Do Guys Become Friends With Girls They Are Not Attracted To?

Do Guys Become Friends With Girls They Are Not Attracted To?Guys aren’t all that inclined to make friends with girls they are not attracted to.

But there are cases where they do.

This is when he has gotten to know the girl for a while and has learned that he has much in common with her.

He believes that keeping her in his life as a friend is a positive addition to his life.

He isn’t physically attracted to her, but values her personality, humanity, and energy.

Conversely, there are the guys who are more selfishly motivated.

He wants to become friends with the girl to use her as an ego boost.

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Innately, he knows that she is attracted to him, and likes this, even though he is not attracted to her.

In choosing to become friends with her, he gets to keep her around so that he keeps basking in her adulation.

The emotional high he gets whenever he talks to her is addicting, knowing that she is attracted to him.

In becoming the girl’s friend, he gets to keep her in his social orbit as his backburner.

Basically, should he find himself struggling to find a girl to date, he turns his attention to the girl he befriended.

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Not because he has changed his mind about her and is now attracted to her.

But to use her for the moment.

Whether that be in hooking up or in getting her to hang out with him so that he isn’t alone.

Sadly, this is a guy that is looking to use the girl he befriended for his own selfish reasons.

He doesn’t see her as a true friend, given that he has selfish motivations for making her his friend.

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Right now, you like this guy, and that has made you emotionally vulnerable.

In this emotionally vulnerable state, you are subject to believing that his request for friendship is sincere.

The prevailing thought in your mind is that you get to keep him in your life as a friend.

In which case, there is chance that he changes his mind about you in the future and becomes attracted to you.

And finally, you get to be seen as a romantic prospect by him.

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As someone who is in an emotionally vulnerable state, knowing whether a guy is being sincere about wanting to be friends with you is critical.

Never be motivated to say yes out of a desperate desire that in becoming his friend, he changes his mind about you in the future.

A guy knows when he is attracted to a girl.

He wants to pursue, knowing full well that in not doing so, he risks losing her to a different guy that chooses to pursue her out of a romantic interest in her.

When a guy chooses to become your friend, he is unambiguous about knowing that he isn’t attracted to you.

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This is why you mustn’t hold on to a desperate dream that he becomes attracted to you in the foreseeable future, in the midst of being your friend.

Guys are visual by nature.

They are attracted to a woman’s physical beauty.

A guy is less prone to fall for a woman’s personality, when he isn’t physically attracted to her.

Women are more prone to being won over by a man’s personality, even when they aren’t attracted to the guy all that much.

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Guys are different.

Should he choose to become your friend, the likelihood that he becomes attracted to you is rare.

If you decide to become his friend, be sure that you sincerely want to be his friend, having no romantic expectations.

Simultaneously, be sure that he is sincere about wanting to be your friend, having no selfish motives.

A guy that wants to sincerely be your friend doesn’t fish for compliments from you, nor does he inconvenience you by getting you to do him favors or hang out with him when he is bored.

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He sincerely cares for your well-being and never does anything to make you think that you are someone he is attracted to.

He is loving towards you, but platonic.

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