Dating A Guy That Is Separated From His Wife And In The Process Of Getting A Divorce

Dating A Guy That Is Separated From His Wife And In The Process Of Getting A DivorceGiven that women are the ones who overwhelming file for divorce from a husband, he isn’t the one who wanted the divorce.

This means that he is emotionally compromised.

A man that is separated from his wife and in the process of getting a divorce has a lot on his mind.

It is rare that you will ever come across a man who tells you that the process is moving along swimmingly, and he is so excited over the prospect of divorcing his wife.

He didn’t want the divorce.

She did.

This separation isn’t what he instigated.

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He wanted to work things out with his wife.

He wanted to save the marriage.

She turned him down.

She is the one that wants out.

Women file for divorce from their husbands 70 to 80 percent of the time.

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In most of these cases, their husbands are unhappy about the divorce request and sometimes delay the process until they no longer can.

Being that he is currently in the process of getting a divorce, it’s likely that he is stubbornly of the mindset that he never wanted this divorce.

Nevertheless, guys aren’t adept at nor keen on dealing with their emotions as they arise.

They are more prone to tucking these emotions away, refusing to face them head-on.

This is where you come in.

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You become a distraction from these uncomfortable emotions that are fighting to get to the surface of his consciousness and overwhelm his entire being.

Married men in the process of getting a divorce have a tendency to avoid dealing with their emotions by looking for a distraction.

Some of them start sleeping with a coworker.

Drink or do drugs.

Go on a spending spree, if they aren’t financially compromised by the divorce proceedings.

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Some get a physical makeover in the hopes that their ex-wife-to-be likes their new appearance and changes her mind about divorcing him.

Many go out on dates with women they meet on dating apps or within their social circle.

It’s all a coping mechanism.

These married men aren’t working on the emotional issues within.

Instead, they look to an element outside of themselves to save them from their weighty emotions and keep said emotions at bay.

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Unfortunately, as someone that is dating a separated man who is in the process of getting a divorce, you are his distraction.

You are the person that gets to make him forget about his impending divorce, albeit temporarily.

This means that he isn’t emotionally available to you, which puts you in a compromised position.

By continuing to date this man, you are susceptible to falling in love with him or developing deeper feelings for him.

Tragically, being that he is emotionally unavailable to you, he won’t have the capacity to reciprocate those feelings.

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This leaves you stuck, with your own deepened emotions for him a poignant factor, and nowhere to go with said emotions.

Never let it get this far.

It’s better to stop dating him now, while you aren’t emotionally compromised.

No matter how much he makes it seem as though he is happy and is over his wife, it isn’t worth the risk.

Should he divorce her and attempt to reconnect with you in 2 to 3 years, there is nothing wrong with giving him a second look.

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As for now, he is emotionally compromised and incapable of properly dating any woman who is in it for a serious relationship.

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