Category Archives: Courtship

Would You Pursue A Girl In A Committed Relationship Who Is Showing An Interest In You?

Would You Pursue A Girl In A Committed Relationship Who Is Showing An Interest In You?Pursuing a girl in a committed relationship comes with complications.

Although you are attracted to this girl, don’t get carried away.

Even though you believe that she is showing signs of attraction towards you, this isn’t a greenlight to pursue her.

A girl in a committed relationship who has shown signs of interest in you is doing so because there is something missing in her relationship.

Her boyfriend isn’t giving her the attention she deserves.

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When You Have A Quandary On Which Female To Choose To Date

When You Have A Quandary On Which Female To Choose To DateIt’s a quandary that has given you sleepless nights.

There are two females in your life that you are attracted to and getting along with.

They are amazing and you love being around them.

Every time you are hanging out with any one of them, you have a great time and don’t want it to end.

Yet, you know that you can’t date both of them, even though the thought has crossed your mind.

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