Would You Date An OnlyFans Girl As A Serious Prospect For Lifelong Partnership?

Would You Date An OnlyFans Girl As A Serious Prospect For Lifelong Partnership?OnlyFans girls want love too, irrespective of what they do for a living.

That being said, the core of their occupation is centered on receiving male attention, and monetizing said attention.

Although the thought of dating an OnlyFans girl sounds exciting at first, think before acting.

The thrill of seeing her as someone that so many guys adore and fawn over won’t last forever.

That novelty does wear off.

By this stage, you have developed stronger feelings for her.

She is no longer merely someone with intense sexual appeal, she is your girlfriend.

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She is someone that you are expecting to spend the rest of your life with.

Knowing that her day job requires that she share her body and sexuality to legions of men on the internet, your primordial instinct is threatened.

Men are territorial by nature.

Once they meet a woman that they want to make their lifelong partner, they become territorial.

They don’t want other men to have access to her.

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This is biological.


In the modern day world, a woman may not be having physical sex with a guy, but thanks to technology, her sexuality can be broadcast all over the world to a legion of men.

These are men who then make use of her sexuality by satisfying themselves in their nether regions, as they visualize sleeping with her.

Your woman.

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The OnlyFans girl.

How do you think you are handling this reality after a few months of dating her?

Remember, the initial high of knowing that she is desired by so many men has worn off at this stage.

Meaning, the territorial nature of man has kicked in within you.

With this territorial instinct at the forefront of your thoughts, you don’t want thousands of men out there in all corners of the world to enjoy her sexuality.

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You want that to be reserved for you.

That is now how you are thinking in regards to her sexuality, but it isn’t how she is thinking.

She was an OnlyFans girl before you met her and intends to keep being one.

Your sudden requests that she not expose herself anymore fall on defiant ears.

And for good reason.

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She doesn’t want you to change her now.

You chose to date her as an OnlyFans girl and the idea that you now want her to chasten her sexuality is insulting to her.

You see, this is where so many men who choose to date an OnlyFans girl find themselves, after the initial high of dating someone who is so sexually desired by men at large has worn off.

That ego boost you got from becoming the guy who got to claim an OnlyFans girl as your girlfriend has since worn off.

Keep all of this in mind as you consider the prudence of dating an OnlyFans girl.

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Women in the sex industry who have dated regular guys often complain that these guys always ended up getting jealous of the attention they would receive from men on her internet, which would lead to a request that they stop doing sex work.

If you have no experience in dating a woman who is in sex work, such as one that does OnlyFans, be fully aware of what you are getting yourself into.

It would be wise to ask her about her previous relationships beforehand.

An OnlyFans girl with a history of short-lived failed relationships, is less likely to have a successful long-term relationship with you.

And no, you aren’t special.

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Whatever went wrong in her previous relationships, will go wrong with you.

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