Would You Be Concerned If Your Girlfriend Keeps Refusing To Hold Your Hand In Public?

Would You Be Concerned If Your Girlfriend Keeps Refusing To Hold Your Hand In Public?It is concerning when you have a girlfriend that is into PDA and is refusing to hold your hand in public.

In the early months of the relationship, she was all about PDA, and now, she refuses to hold your hand in public.

Not only this.

She gets visibly uncomfortable whenever you make a move to kiss or hug her in public too.

This wasn’t how she used to be and you are wondering what on earth is going on.

She is losing feelings for you.

Women who love PDA rarely stop loving it, unless they are losing feelings for the guy they are dating.

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PDA is a big part of her love language.

She loves having that closeness to her significant other.

She loves the sense of safety and love that she feels whenever she is holding her boyfriend’s hand in public.

It speaks to how much she connects with her boyfriend.

Yes, there is the thrill of doing all that PDA in public too.

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Letting the world see how happy she is with her boyfriend causes an exhilaration within her.

She revels in how the whole world is envying her.

Sadly, your girlfriend doesn’t seem to care about any of this anymore.

All of that enthusiasm that she used to show whenever she was out in public with you and wanting to hold your hand has completely disappeared.

No longer is she reaching out to hold your hand as you walk with her on the sidewalk.

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No longer is she reaching out to hold your hand when you are getting up to leave a restaurant or coffee shop.

It’s like she is a totally different person.

You don’t see any desire whatsoever in her to hold your hand.

In lieu of this, she is grabbing her handbag, getting up, and heading for the exit door.

Sometimes, she isn’t even waiting on you to walk alongside her.

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You have to hurry up to catch up with her.

It’s almost as though her mind has moved on to what’s ahead and she isn’t at all in the moment.

That was not how she used to be.

She loved being in the moment in the early months of your relationship.

She took her time before leaving a venue, always making sure that she reached out to hold your hand or lock arms with you.

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She did it so often, you rarely had to initiate holding hands.

Her hands were already reaching out to hold yours.

Her beautiful hands.

That isn’t happening anymore.

Not only is she no longer initiating holding hands, she seems repulsed by it.

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The few times that she lets you hold her hand, you can tell that she is uncomfortable.

Soon after, she releases your hand.

That quick.

Unfortunately, this woman is no longer in love with you.

At present, she is biding her time before she tells you that she is leaving you.

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A girl normally prepares herself for a few months before breaking up with her boyfriend.

During this time, she disconnects from the relationship emotionally.

She does this so that by the time she is ready to break up with her boyfriend, there are no emotional roadblocks or impediments to her decision.

She gets to make a clean break.

In refusing to hold your hand in public, she is demonstrating that she is shutting herself off from you emotionally.

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It is only a matter of time before she breaks up with you.

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