Why Would A Girl With A Boyfriend Say I’m Important To Her?

Why Would A Girl With A Boyfriend Say I'm Important To Her?This is a girl that believes that you have a role to play in her life.

She says you are important to her, given that there have been several moments where you have provided her with emotional support.

Think back to moments where you have comforted her through a tough time.

In those moments, you were providing emotional support that she so badly needed.

This was emotional support that her boyfriend wasn’t giving her at the time.

You have done this multiple times with her and this has made her rely on this emotional support.

This is what makes you important to her.

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Misconstruing this as a sign that she cares about you romantically is misguided.

She doesn’t.

Your importance to her only goes so far.

If you were more important to her than her boyfriend, she would have dumped her boyfriend for you by now.

She hasn’t done that.

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In lieu of this, she tells you that you are important to her.

She knows that in telling you this, she plants the seed in your mind that she likes you romantically.

She isn’t stupid.

Your emotional support has been invaluable to her.

In those dire moments where her boyfriend is ignoring her emotional needs, she calls upon you.

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Sadly, she knows that you possess the naivety to think that you are more important to her than you really are.

She wants to eat her cake and have it too.

By making you think that you are important to her, and leaving it to your imagination to believe that this means much more than what it really is, you are motivated to stick around.

By sticking around, she gets to call upon your emotional support whenever she requires it.

Knowing that you are single, she is fully aware that at some point in the future, she could lose you to someone else that is of romantic interest to you.

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She is worried about this too.

If you start dating someone, she knows that she won’t have easy access to your emotional support anymore.

She has become dependent on your emotional support.

In telling you that you are important to her, she wants your emotional availability to be stuck on her.

With her as the object of your desire, she doesn’t have to worry as much about losing your emotional availability to someone else.

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She gets to keep your attention and emotional support.

Ans she doesn’t stop with telling you that you are important to her.

Whenever she gets a sense that your attention and emotional support is slipping away, she ups the ante in regards to how she endears herself to you.

For example, she goes from telling you that you are important to her to telling you that she is looking forward to going out and doing an activity with you soon.

She doesn’t directly tell you that this is a date, but she makes it seem as though she would love to go out with you and do an activity together.

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Yet again, this plants the seed in your mind that you are about to go out with her soon.

This makes you stick around.

Sadly, a girl that has a boyfriend who gives you the impression that you are more important to her than you really are, is stringing you along, using you for the emotional support that her boyfriend doesn’t provide at certain times.

The longer you stick around, the more emotionally invested in her you become.

This prevents you from pursuing someone else who sincerely likes you romantically, and you end up losing precious years of your life thinking that this woman is leaving her boyfriend for you.

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Tragically, this never happens.

By the time you realize that she has been playing you this whole time, you are severely damaged emotionally.

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