Sharing personal information about her family to you isn’t a guaranteed sign of interest.
This is but one factor.
It isn’t enough to determine that she is romantically interested in you.
More is required to make this determination.
Women are relationship-minded and family-oriented.
Unlike men, they like talking about their personal relationships.
Their personal relationships with friends, coworkers, and yes, family members.
This includes the good with the bad.
Thereby, while they talk about a new addition to the family in a newborn baby on one occasion, they are just as prone to talk about sickness in the family on the next occasion.
Given that women are in tune with their emotional and nurturing side, they are inclined to talk about their personal relationships when they are talking to people.
When she shared personal information about her family to you, it didn’t mean that she was opening up to someone she has a romantic interest in.
It’s likely you aren’t the only one she has talked to about her personal family issue.
By the time she was telling you about this personal information about her family, it’s feasible that she had already talked to several people before you about it.
If you have mutual friends with this woman, keep your ears open.
As you interact with these mutual friends in the coming days, listen for clues that signal an awareness of this family issue.
Someone that brings this up as a topic of conversation has been informed about it by her.
Meaning, you weren’t the only one that she told about her personal family issue.
She told someone else in the social circle you both share.
When this happens, you have confirmation that you aren’t someone she singled out to confide in about her personal family issue.
On that account, don’t get too excited about the fact that she shared personal information about her family to you.
There is more required for you to determine whether she is interested in you.
Her body language is apropos.
Does she look at you and sustain eye contact?
Does she touch you for no reason?
Does she lean in when she is talking to you?
Does she get into your personal space whenever she is in your presence?
Does she match your energy when you are chatting with her?
All of these are positive signs that she is interested in you.
Furthermore, she doesn’t miss the minor details.
In other words, you get a haircut or a different hairdo, and she mentions it.
You groom your facial hair, and she mentions it.
You wear a new watch or piece of jewelry, and she mentions it.
You wear a new cologne, and she mentions it.
When a woman is interested in you romantically, she notices the smallest details and changes you make on yourself.
When you want to figure out whether a woman is interested in you, look for as many of these signs of interest working in unison.
Making a determination that she is interested in you solely based on the fact that she shared personal information with you about her family, isn’t enough.