Why Is It Hard To Find A Date As An Independent Woman? Do Men Want Women Who Are More Dependent?

Why Is It Hard To Find A Date As An Independent Woman? Do Men Want Women Who Are More Dependent?Having plenty of success in your education and career field means that you are an ambitious woman.

You are independent too.

You pay your own bills and have lofty goals.

With this much ambition and independence, you are drawn to men who have the same motivation and energy.

Guys with ambition and a track record of success in education and their professional careers.

Guys who have goals like you to get better at what they do, win more respect from their peers, elevate themselves in their careers, and be financially successful.

As an independent woman, this is the type of man that you are naturally drawn to.

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A man with a Type A personality like you.

A person with a Type A personality constitutes character traits associated with ambition, determination, drive, steeliness, and competitiveness.

Their intent is to be a high achiever at anything they set their minds to.

These are people that are go-getters by nature, quick on their feet, with a propensity to multitask.

This is a person that is goal-oriented, has a knack for working towards a deadline at a rapid, but efficient pace, and isn’t one to tolerate excuses or ambivalence from a counterpart.

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Does this sound familiar?

As an independent woman, you bear several of these Type A personality traits.

These are the exact traits that you are looking for in a male partner.

The problem with this is that men and women don’t look for the same qualities in a partner.

Although you want a man who matches your spirit, or surpasses it, the man that you are seeking isn’t exactly looking for the same in who he wants to partner up with.

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To have two Type A personalities in a relationship is asking for trouble.

Several of these Type A personality men have tried dating women with Type A personalities in the past.

These are typically women in their immediate social and professional circle.

Women they work with for instance, or went to school with.

It rarely works out.

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The Type A personalities keep clashing, leading to far too much fighting.

The two individuals keep competing with each other as though they have to keep proving their metal.

It’s exhausting.

It’s no wonder that plenty of these Type A men give up and choose to date women who don’t have Type A personalities.

It’s not that he wants a woman that is dependent on him, it’s more so that he wants peace.

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He wants to relax when he comes home from competing in the world.

Having to come home from a long day at work to an independent woman that wants to challenge him is exhausting.

To this end, he finally gives up on dating a woman with a Type A personality and chooses to date a woman who is more docile.

As an independent woman, it is hard to find a date when all you care to date are men who have Type A personalities such as yourself.

Men like this will struggle to stay with you over the long term.

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You are better off finding men who aren’t Type A personalities.

This provides a contrast that doesn’t clash in a relationship.

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