Why Does My Boyfriend Keep His Exes On Instagram And Facebook As Friends, Even If He Doesn’t Talk To Them?

Why Does My Boyfriend Keep His Exes On Instagram And Facebook As Friends, Even If He Doesn't Talk To Them?In keeping his exes on Instagram and Facebook as friends, he is reluctant to disconnect from them.

This is especially the case when he is a guy that was already friends with them before getting into romantic relationships with them.

In this case, he already saw them as friends before becoming a boyfriend to them, and doesn’t want to lose that aspect of his relationship with them.

Regardless of the romance being over, he still wants to keep them as friends, just as he did before becoming a boyfriend to them.

Even though he isn’t talking to them at the moment, he is hoping they come back to rekindle the friendship he once shared with them.

This is not unusual behavior in cases like this.

This being said, in a situation where he was never friends with these girls before getting into romantic relationships with them, keeping them as friends on Instagram and Facebook is more suspicious.

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As far as you know, he is not talking to them anymore, yet he keeps his exes as friends on Instagram and Facebook.

Being that he was never a friend of any of them before getting into a romantic relationship with them, he is keeping them as friends in the hopes that he remain connected to them.

Oftentimes, this is done to keep his dating options open.

He is hoping that at some point in time, he is going to receive a like from his exes or a comment.

He is certain to respond to this, whether he is in an exclusive relationship with you or not.

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He was never happy about the breakup with these exes and never got over those breakups entirely.

In keeping these exes as friends, he is leaving the door open to them coming back into his life and reconnecting with him romantically.

He is going to tell himself that he has no intention of doing anything with these exes should they come back.

He is sure to tell you the same thing too, if you were to question him about why he has his exes as friends on Instagram and Facebook.

On the surface, he wants to believe this story.

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The truth is, he never got over those breakups.

These exes were the ones who initiated the breakups despite how much he didn’t want to be broken up with.

Even though he is not talking to any of them at the moment, he is keeping the door open for an eventuality where they do come back.

Right now, he doesn’t want to believe that he would do anything with them if he were to suddenly hear from them again.

This is because he isn’t acknowledging that he is emotionally compromised from the breakups that were initiated by these girls.

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But he is emotionally compromised.

No matter how much he denies it to himself and to you.

Be cautious in this case.

A case where he was never friends before getting into romantic relationships with these exes, and continues to keep said exes as friends on Instagram and Facebook, puts you at risk of him committing infidelity, whether he intends to or not.

You would do yourself a favor in figuring out whether he is emotionally hooked on his exes.

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If you know that he has moments where he goes to the social media of these exes to see what they are posting, he hasn’t emotionally moved on from them.

Meaning, he is susceptible to taking them back as girlfriends should they come back into his life and give him the opening.

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