Why Do Some People From Dating Sites Refuse To Do A Video Chat Before Meeting In Person?

Why Do Some People From Dating Sites Refuse To Do A Video Chat Before Meeting In Person?Having matched with her on a dating site, you are curious about what she looks like.

Her pictures looked nice enough, but you aren’t going to be fooled by that anymore.

You have matched with several women in the past that you ultimately met in person, many of whom didn’t match how they appeared on their dating profile pictures.

There is nothing worse than the disappointment you feel when you meet with a match in person who has misrepresented what she looks like on her dating profile.

These matches have appeared on dates looking much heavier in build than they appeared on their dating profile pictures.

Some have looked much older too.

It didn’t take long for you to finally have enough of this, and now, you insist on doing a video chat before meeting any match in person.

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Whenever you match with someone that you get along with, you are certain to ask her to do a video chat before meeting in person.

To you, this is sensible.

It is a win-win for either party.

She gets to see whether you look like the pictures you have posted on your dating profile, and you get to do the same verification.

Yet, there have been people who have refused to do a video chat before meeting in person with you.

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Why do they refuse?

Some refuse when they know that they have misrepresented themselves on their dating profile pictures.

She was hoping that you would be open to meeting her without doing a video chat, thinking that her personality would be enough to make you like her.

When you mention doing a video chat, she is instantly weary of what you would think of her physical appearance in real life.

She doesn’t want to put herself in such an embarrassing position.

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To this end, she decides to refuse your offer to do a video chat.

There are those who refuse to do a video chat before meeting in person, believing it inappropriate to do a video chat with a stranger.

Although you have been talking to each other on the dating site, you remain a stranger to her.

As far as she is concerned, it is too premature for her to do a video chat with you.

It is too personal.

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She reserves video chats for people she is close to, such as family members and friends.

Right now, she doesn’t have the level of comfort and trust with you that would make her okay with doing a video chat with you.

There are people who refuse to do a video chat before meeting in person when they are fearful about how bad they come across on camera.

She believes that she is so much better to talk to in person.

For some reason, being on camera makes her self-conscious, bringing out a nervous side to her that belies her true personality.

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Like you, she has done video chats with guys in the past that were initially romantically interested in her.

Each and every time, by the end of the video chat, the guy has lost his interest in her and she never hears from him again.

This is hurtful, and fills her with regret.

To prevent this torment with future romantic suitors, she refuses to do video chats.

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