Why Do Men Assume Any Attractive Woman Has A Line Of Men She’s Rejecting Waiting To Court Her?

Why Do Men Assume Any Attractive Woman Has A Line Of Men She's Rejecting Waiting To Court Her?Men know that beauty in a woman is what they are drawn to.

An attractive woman is grabbing and holding a man’s attention.

The common man knows this.

When he goes to bars, it’s the attractive women that he sees his fellow men falling over themselves to buy drinks for.

When he visits the mall, it’s his fellow men he sees chasing or ogling after the attractive women who walk by with their department store bags of purchased items.

When he is at the gym, it is his fellow men he sees gaping at the attractive women that are using the smith machines or running on the treadmills.

He has seen attractive women receive the attention of obsessed men, whether these men are approaching them or merely gawking at them.

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This is why the idea that you don’t have a line of men that you are rejecting waiting to court you is next to impossible for the common man to believe.

Thereby, a man that sees you out and about in public is instantly assuming that you have a line of men that you are rejecting waiting to court you.

You are an attractive woman, and all he knows is the attention he frequently sees attractive women get from men.

Although you don’t think that you get attention from men, you actually do.

Men look at you all the time.

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It’s just that you aren’t looking at them.

Be honest with yourself.

How often do you make eye contact with men in public as you are going about your day?

Besides the guy that is serving you behind a counter at a coffee shop, deli, grocery store, etc., you aren’t making eye contact with guys you come across in public.

Here is the problem you are having.

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Guys look for signs of interest from a girl before deciding to make a move on her.

When you never or rarely make eye contact with guys you come across in public, they are far less inclined to approach you.

They make a calculated assessment about you.

You are an attractive woman who is either conceited or already has a boyfriend.

Having made this assessment, he chooses not to approach you.

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Know that your body language is everything when you are in public in the midst of strangers.

When your head is constantly stuck on your smartphone as you scroll through the latest posts of your favorite social media influencer, you are giving off the energy that you don’t want to be bothered.

What do guys see?

An attractive woman totally fixated on her smartphone oblivious to the world around her.

As far as they know, you are having a conversation with your boyfriend.

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He makes this assumption and chooses not to approach you.

Furthermore, how often are you rushing somewhere when you are out and about in public?

When you are constantly rushing somewhere, it makes it that much harder for a guy to approach you.

What does he see?

An attractive woman in a hurry that doesn’t have the time of day to stop and have a conversation with him.

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He chooses not to approach you as a result.

The reason why you don’t have a line of men waiting to court you has everything to do with your body language.

When you have closed-off or unfriendly body language, only the bravest men, many of whom are players, will choose to approach you.

Assuming that you don’t live in an area where these type of men are plentiful, you won’t get approached all that much, if at all.

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