What Does It Mean When The Person Only Responds With A Short Sentence When Texting?

What Does It Mean When The Person Only Responds With A Short Sentence When Texting?He only responds with short sentences because he isn’t excited enough to give you more than that.

You are slaving away in your text messages to him, typing out long drawn-out sentences.

This is a reflection of your excitement to chat with him.

When he only responds with short sentences, his excitement is nowhere near matching your own.

Now, this doesn’t mean that he isn’t interested in you.

It’s possible that you are getting ahead of yourself emotionally.

You are getting too excited about him too soon.

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This leads to you coming off a bit too overeager, which is a turnoff to guys.

Supposing that you haven’t known this guy for long, you shouldn’t overdo it with the sheer volume of text that you send him to read.

It makes you look like you are trying too hard.

In the early stages of getting to know a guy, match his energy.

He is supposed to lead, so let him.

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To do this, you mustn’t get ahead of him emotionally.

Match his energy, instead of prematurely surpassing it.

When you let your emotions take over, you get sucked into sending verbose text messages, when all he wants to do at this early stage is read a sentence or two.


Take a step back.

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As a rule of thumb, match his energy moving forward.

As of now, he is prone to sending a short sentence in his text messages to you.

Do the same.

Nothing kills a guy’s drive to woo a girl more than the thought that she is already emotionally won over by him.

By giving him the impression that you are already heavily emotionally invested in him, it kills his drive to pursue you.

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Basically, it’s a buzz kill.

Guys are natural-born pursuers.

They love the thrill of the chase.

When it already seems like the work is done and the fight is won, they lose steam and lose interest.

Keep this in mind moving forward.

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Stop sending chunky text messages.

Match his energy and let him lead.

As long as his interest in you persists, the length of his text messages to you will increase over time.

The sentences get longer.

Once this happens, match his energy by sending him text messages that are just as lengthy.

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This is how you follow his lead without prematurely surpassing it.

All of this being said, he has to be taking you out on dates in tandem.

Texting each other back and forth isn’t enough.

A guy that is taking you out on dates is showing that he is serious about you.

In the event he isn’t asking you out on dates, but keeps texting back and forth for weeks, he isn’t interested in you.

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He likes the attention and nothing more.

It isn’t prudent to keep wasting your time text messaging a guy who only wants to use you for the attention.

You shouldn’t have to ask him about meeting in person either.

A guy that legitimately likes you doesn’t have to be asked about meeting in person.

He sets up a date on his own volition.

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When you are the one who is having to ask about meeting in person, he isn’t interested in you.

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