What Do You Do When Asked, “How Are You Not Married Or Taken?”

What Do You Do When Asked, "How Are You Not Married Or Taken?"At your age, the standard is to be either married or taken.

That is what people are used to, comfortable with, and expecting.

When you get into conversation with people and they ask, “How are you not married or taken,” it’s how they express surprise that you aren’t married or taken.

They don’t encounter a lot of guys who aren’t married or taken at your age.

In the circles that they are in, that is what they see.

Outside of the circles that they are in, that is what they see.

In stumbling upon someone who isn’t married or taken at your age, there is a natural curiosity as to why.

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It’s like you are a unicorn, and they have a human reaction to an occurrence that isn’t commonplace in their day to day lives.

As far as you are concerned, having to hear this question at about every social function you are in, is grating and getting old.

Notwithstanding, no matter how old it gets to you, it won’t stop.

People are bound to ask you this question whether you like it or not.

Unless you keep yourself in a basement somewhere and never entertain guests or go anywhere outside, there is no escaping getting asked this question, as long as you are single.

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With this in mind, rest-assured that this annoyance you feel has less to do with the question itself, and more to do with the memories it triggers within you.

By now, you were expecting to be in a committed relationship with your ideal match in a woman.

It hasn’t happened.

There have been disappointments from past relationships, some of which have left you bitter.

Being bitter is never beneficial to your mental health.

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Whenever someone asks you why you aren’t married or taken, it triggers a string of bitter memories in you.

Regrettably, you continue to hold on to a hurtful past relationship.

As long as you hold onto it, it owns you.

A past relationship that keeps you in its bitter grasp prevents you from being emotionally available to anyone.

Think about the various short-lived relationships you have had in recent memory.

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How many of those women complained that you weren’t emotionally available to them?

There were probably a few.

There is an emotional block within you.

As long as there is a block inside of you, any relationship you attempt to get into in the future is short-lived.

Ask yourself where this inner block is coming from.

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Once you know what relationship is responsible for it, make peace with it.

Sometimes, this requires contacting that old partner to get proper closure.

If that partner isn’t available for this, make peace within yourself.

To do this, forgive yourself and your past partner for the failures of the relationship.

Never point your finger at any one person as a cause for why a relationship failed.

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Relationships are a two-way street.

There is culpability on your part too, no matter how small.

Take ownership of this.

Once you do this in earnest, you have made peace with yourself.

You are now emotionally available to the next girl that comes into your life and is compatible with you.

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This means that the next time you are in conversation with people, rather than asking about how you are not married or taken, they are complimenting you and your new girlfriend for being such an adorable couple.

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