Was A Female Bartender Showing An Actual Interest In Me, Or Doing It For Tips?

Was A Female Bartender Showing An Actual Interest In Me, Or Doing It For Tips?A female bartender gets oodles of attention from her male customers.

She knows how to talk to them with an intent to get as much of a tip as possible.

Yes, that means that she knows how to flirt with them.

She knows what gets them to give her tips and what doesn’t.

A female bartender that has an actual interest in you treats you differently than she does her other male customers.

Instead of blatantly flirting with you, she is actually conducting a proper conversation with you.

She isn’t concerned about boosting your ego with a compliment.

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Instead, she wants to figure out who you are as a person.

In turn, she relates to what you have to say with her own personal anecdotes.

When she is talking to you, it feels so much more like a real conversation.

With her male customers, she is constantly giving them compliments to make them feel good and bolster their fragile egos.

It’s obvious that her comments to them, and the entire tenor of the conversations she has with them, are primarily designed to make them feel good enough to give her a great tip.

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She is there to brighten up their day and help them forget about how much they hate their bosses, or their wives for that matter.

A female bartender that has an actual interest in you doesn’t talk to you like this.

She isn’t persistently trying to get on your good side.

If anything, she teases you and gets on your case a little by challenging you a few times during the course of your conversation with her.

All done in a respectful tone.

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Yet, she doesn’t treat you with kid gloves like she does her other male customers.

She is a lot more real when she talks to you.

As aforementioned, she isn’t giving you anywhere near as many compliments as she gives her other male customers.

There isn’t a sense of urgency in her to get on your good side so that she gets a good tip from you.

She is keeping it real with you, having a substantive conversation that is ongoing.

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Even when she has to leave the conversation to serve a customer that has just arrived, she doesn’t forget where her conversation with you left off.

After serving the customer, she comes right back to you and picks up from where it left off.

All the while, she is remembering details about what has been said prior and is asking you follow-up questions.

Basically, she is totally engaged, yet relaxed with you.

There is no subterfuge or fake compliments.

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She is being her authentic self with you.

Furthermore, a female bartender wants to further illustrate what she tells you in conversation by using her smartphone to show you pictures of what she is talking about.

She does this without any prompting from you.

For instance, you are having a conversation with her that touches on somewhere you traveled to recently.

To relate to what you said, she pulls out her smartphone and shows you pictures of somewhere she recently traveled to.

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People love their smartphones.

Many document their lives through it.

A female bartender that is taking out her smartphone without any prompting from you, to show you pictures that illustrate what she was talking to you about, is unconsciously creating a deeper connection with you.

This is especially true when she leaves her smartphone in your hands as she attends to another customer who wants a drink.

She doesn’t do this lightly.

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In doing this, she is showing that she trusts you.

Trust is a huge component of attraction.

A female bartender that has an actual interest in you responds quite differently when you are leaving her a tip.

Instead of quickly taking it and rushing off to her next customer to make more tips, she is prolonging the conversation and asking you whether you are already headed home.

She teases you by insinuating that you are an early bird.

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This is how she demonstrates that she isn’t ready for you to leave.

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