There Was No Kiss On Our First Date. Am I Friend-Zoned In Her Mind?

There Was No Kiss On Our First Date. Am I Friend-Zoned In Her Mind?There are plenty of women who don’t kiss on a first date.

A woman that doesn’t kiss you on a first date is not an indication that she has friend-zoned you.

Think back on how the first date went.

Was there a fair amount of laughter and easy-flowing conversation, or long moments of silence?

Was her body language loose or stiff?

A fair amount of laughter and easy-flowing conversation, as opposed to long moments of silence, means that she was having a good time with you.

Body language that was loose, as opposed to stiff, means that she was feeling comfortable with you.

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These are all good signs.

None of this means that she is automatically kissing you on the first date.

Many girls don’t do it, even when they are enjoying their time with a guy and feel chemistry.

To them, it’s early yet to do such an intimate act.

Although you don’t believe kissing to be all that intimate, she does.

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It is a big deal to a girl.

Some girls even regard it as more intimate than the act of sexual intercourse.

To kiss you on a first date is far too presumptuous, and plenty of girls don’t want to give off the impression that they are this eager.

She is exercising caution.

In spite of having a great time on the date, she isn’t yet ready to take that next step in kissing you.

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It doesn’t mean that she wouldn’t want to on a future date.

And it doesn’t mean that she has friend-zoned you.

Instead of fretting over not getting to kiss her on a first date, ask her out on a second date.

This is where you get a definitive answer on whether you have been friend-zoned or not.

A girl that likes you, wants to see you again.

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This means that she is agreeing to go on a second date with you and makes her time available to you to do so.

Do not procrastinate on asking her out on a second date.

Plenty of guys commit this blunder when they are courting a girl.

Instead of asking her out in short order, they take too long to do so.

Even if they are talking to the girl during this time, she is wondering why she isn’t getting asked out.

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It is only a matter of time before she surmises that the guy doesn’t like her or is playing games.

This is where she shuts him off as a romantic prospect in her mind.

Once this happens, she moves on from him mentally.

Should the guy choose to finally ask her out weeks later, it is too late.

She has moved on from him mentally and no longer sees him as someone of romantic potential.

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Is this where you want to end up?

I hope not.

So, waste no time in asking her out on a second date.

You won’t definitively know whether she is romantically interested in you until you ask her out on a second date.

Even if you didn’t get the impression that she was all that into you during the first date, it doesn’t mean that she has friend-zoned you.

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Oftentimes, girls are nervous on a first date.

This affects their body language, making it seem as though they aren’t into a guy.

Don’t make an assumption that she wasn’t into you until you ask her out on a second date.

If she agrees to it, she likes you and wants to see where this leads.

Meaning, that kiss is forthcoming, if you play your cards right and let it happen naturally.

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