Should I Be Worried That All Plans To Meet Up Are Initiated By Me And Never Her?

Should I Be Worried That All Plans To Meet Up Are Initiated By Me And Never Her?In the early stages of courtship, a girl is less inclined to initiate dates.

She usually lets the guy plan the meetups.

In doing this, she keeps herself from being too presumptuous or aggressive.

Yes, she believes that she is the one that should be pursued.

To this end, she doesn’t want to be the one that leads.

She leaves it up to the guy to lead, especially when it is this early.

As long as it is still early, there is no need to worry that all the plans to meet up are being initiated by you.

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As long as she is not canceling dates on you and keeps engaging in robust conversations with you, she remains interested.

I know that it can get a little frustrating when she never initiates meeting up.

It makes it feel as though all of the effort is coming from one end.

It makes perfect sense to feel like this.

However, be patient.

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As long as she is being fully responsive to you and your efforts, the time will come when she starts initiating dates every now and then.

The only time you should be worried that you are the only one who initiates all the plans to meet up is when she is being difficult.

This is where she is constantly canceling on dates or rescheduling.

She keeps criticizing what you have chosen as an activity, causing you to have to come up with a new plan almost all the time.

To make matters worse, she has very low energy at the date, constantly complaining about this or that, or barely putting out an effort to make conversation or keep it going.

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It’s as though she is bored and would much rather be somewhere else.

All of this behavior is a sign that she is nothing but a user.

She considers herself to be so much of a prize, she doesn’t believe that showing gratitude is warranted.

As far as she is concerned, you are so lucky to be talking to her.

You are so lucky to have her company on these dates.

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This is not a good attitude.

It means that she would be an awful girlfriend who only looks out for herself and her needs.

If this is the situation you are in, there is no point in putting out any further effort in initiating plans for future dates with her.

She isn’t a good candidate for a long-term relationship.

All of this being said, there is a time limit for how long you should be initiating plans to meet up with a girl, irrespective of whether she has been fully responsive to you.

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It isn’t fair for you to keep initiating every time, long after the early stages of courtship have passed.

A relationship is a two-way street after all.

As a rule, initiate no more than the first six dates.

This gives her enough time to see you as the lead and get comfortable with you.

Beyond the first six dates, she should be initiating plans to meet up every now and then.

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