Is It Distasteful For Men To Post Shirtless Pics Of Themselves On Dating Apps And Social Media?

Is It Distasteful For Men To Post Shirtless Pics Of Themselves On Dating Apps And Social Media?Shirtless pics on dating apps and social media aren’t distasteful in and of themselves.

When it becomes distasteful is when they are overdone.

This is where you go from posting a shirtless pic every so often on dating apps and social media, to posting shirtless pics all the time.

You become obsessed with showing off those firm abs and chiseled chest.

It gets to be too much.

A girl that sees a dating profile or social media profile that is filled with shirtless pics is swiftly making the assumption that you are conceited and full of yourself.

She is suspicious of you.

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It’s not that she doesn’t like your physique.

What’s there not to like about you physically?

You are hot with fantastic abs.

The problem is that your dating profile and social media is littered with shirtless pics of yourself.

It’s akin to her having a dating profile and social media that is filled with bikini pics of herself.

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What would you think of a girl that has a dating profile and social media of this ilk?

You would be suspicious.

Why so many bikini pics?

Why does she require all this attention and validation?

That is exactly what a girl is thinking when she sees a dating profile or social media profile filled with shirtless pics of you.

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It’s not that your physicality isn’t divine, it is more so that she worries about why you require so much attention and validation.

If she were to date you, would she have to contend with a ton of girls vying for your attention?

Are you cheating on her on a whim, with any one of the legion of girls that are enamored by your physique?

Girls think about these things.

They think about what a future would be like dating a guy who has filled his dating profile and social media with so many shirtless pics.

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It’s far too suspicious for her.

A woman of substance in search of a serious boyfriend takes a pass on your dating and social media profile.

The suspicion that you are too much trouble for what it is worth is a prevalent thought in her mind.

All of this being said, if you have a great physique, posting a slew of shirtless pics on dating apps and social media will get you the attention you so clearly crave.

Keep in mind that the girl who chooses to interact with you has already put you in a specific category in her mind, if she were to meet you in person.

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You are someone she won’t take seriously.

She already knows that you are all about getting attention and validation from women online, and she knows that all you will be to her is a guy she sleeps with a few times.

Maybe this is enough for you.

Maybe this is one of the reasons why you are thinking about posting shirtless pics on dating apps and social media.

All the same, there will come a time when you fall in love with one of these women unexpectedly.

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This is when you ask her to settle down with you, but she won’t.

Remember, she already put you in a specific category in her mind when she decided to get involved with you.

That of fun for a short while and nothing else.

She never opened herself up to you emotionally, while you two were having a casual relationship.

Yet, you ended up opening yourself up to her.

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Now you have fallen for her, and she has no interest in having a serious relationship with you.

Be careful with the type of pics you choose to post on dating apps and social media.

The image you impress upon women is how they will judge and treat you.

Meaning, you won’t be able to suddenly convince her that you are someone worth having a serious relationship with, no matter how much you tell her that you love her.

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