If Women Tell You That They Prefer Dad Bods, Should That Stop You From Working Out?

If Women Tell You That They Prefer Dad Bods, Should That Stop You From Working Out?Working out is healthy and positive.

It should be an activity you do for the betterment of yourself.

Women that tell you that they prefer dad bods aren’t attracted to guys who let themselves go.

Don’t misconstrue what they mean when they tell you that they prefer dad bods.

Instead of assuming that this gives you permission to stop working out and stuff your face with all the fatty foods in existence, find out who these women have dated in the past.

Do some digging and get solid evidence about the guys that these women have dated in the past.

Inevitably, you will learn that the majority of the men these women have dated are in good physical shape.

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The one time that any one of them chose to date a guy with a dad bod doesn’t count, given that they have mostly dated guys that were in good physical shape.

If any one of these women happened to date a guy with a dad bod, he made up for his physical shortcomings in spectacular ways.

He was phenomenally charismatic.

Hilariously funny.

Highly educated.

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A respected leader and extremely successful in his field of profession.


This guy with a dad bod had a lot going for him.

Enough to make her overlook the fact that he had a dad bod.

But, she didn’t choose to date him because she had a profound attraction for his dad bod.

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She chose to date him because he made up for his physical shortcomings in areas that women have a tendency to gravitate to.

He isn’t the common guy with a dad bod.

The common guy with a dad bod doesn’t have an advanced college degree nor a high-powered job.

He works at a middle-of-the-road job for middle-of-the-road pay.

She won’t look at these guys for a second.

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He is the guy that made her coffee this morning at her favorite coffee shop and handed it to her.

She barely noticed him.

He is the guy that bagged her groceries this afternoon.

She barely acknowledged him.

He is the guy that delivered a package to her home this evening.

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She barely cared.

These are the average guys.

The ones with dad bods.

She doesn’t care for them.


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They are average.

There is nothing else to them that makes her feel drawn to them.

When women tell you that they prefer dad bods, they aren’t telling you the full story.

If any of them have ever dated a guy with a dad bod, that guy was exceptional in personality and achievement.

Being that women are biologically wired to gravitate to men who have authority and the wherewithal to provide, it’s no surprise that she chose to date him.

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He had to be exceptional though.

So, don’t kid yourself.

You haven’t been given permission by these women to stuff your face with Twinkies.

Do not stop working out.

In the end, a preponderance of women are far more attracted to a guy that is physically fit than a guy with a dad bod.

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Unless of course, he is exceptional in other areas.

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