I Want To Date A Girl That I Think Is Out Of My League

I Want To Date A Girl That I Think Is Out Of My LeagueIn thinking that she is out of your league, you are fostering a defeatist attitude.

Meaning, you don’t have confidence.

Confidence is a quality in men that women highly desire.

In thinking that this girl is out of your league, you are putting her on a pedestal.

When you put a girl on a pedestal, she believes that you don’t think yourself worthy.

She gets the impression that you have a low opinion of yourself.

This makes it much harder for her to consider you as someone of romantic potential.

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You turned her off by putting her on a pedestal.

Many guys do this when they believe that a girl is out of their league.

They are too quick to make her out to be flawless in beauty and personality, when in reality she isn’t.

Once a girl gets the notion that a guy has made her flawless in his mind, she isn’t compelled to give him a chance with her.

He is too much of a sycophant, and there is no challenge.

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She doesn’t want a guy that grovels at her feet, believing she can do no wrong.

She wants a guy that is self-assured in himself and has what it takes to give her a challenge.

You want to date this girl, but all the groveling you are doing in regards to this girl has instantly put you at a disadvantage.

It’s the same disadvantage that so many guys have when dealing with a beautiful girl.

That of making her out to be larger than life, and consequently signaling that she is better than them.

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A beautiful girl doesn’t want to get romantically involved with a guy who thinks that she is better than him.

She wants a confident guy that knows his value and doesn’t let her walk all over him.

She is human, like you.

She has flaws.

Instead of putting her on such a pedestal, realize that you have things going for you that she doesn’t have going for her.

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Focus on what those are.

This is an exercise that gives you confidence.

Once you see all the areas that you are better than her at, it lets you know that she isn’t this infallible person who is perfect in every regard.

She has her strengths and weaknesses, like every human being.

This exercise is how you ignite your confidence.

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Once it is at a high, it’s time to talk to her.

Yes, talk to her.

There is no point sitting around thinking that a day will come when she finally initiates a conversation with you.

Girls rarely initiate a conversation with a guy, irrespective of whether they are attracted to the guy or not.

You have to make the first move.

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Open a conversation with her with humor.

Using humor is a great method to break the ice with a girl.

It loosens her up, putting her in a positive frame of mind.

This makes her far more receptive to what you have to say.

As long as you are confident and never resort to putting her on a pedestal whenever you talk to her, she won’t get the notion that you are a sycophant.

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This immediately separates you from the lion’s share of guys who treat her like she is a princess without her having earned it.

Make her feel like she has to earn your approval.

This makes you different.

A challenge.

This means that you aren’t deluging her with compliments whenever you talk to her.

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Rather, you are talking to her as though she is just another girl.

This is not what she is used to.

It makes her curious about you, and all of a sudden, she is hell-bent on getting your approval.

This is when she starts angling for your attention.

A go-to for women when they want a guy’s attention and approval is to wear sexier clothing and makeup.

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As she does this, she observes you, waiting for your acknowledgement and the compliment that she so desperately wants to hear.

But you mustn’t acknowledge what she is doing to get your approval.

Every time you talk to her, do so as though she is just a regular girl.

This is what makes her that much more determined to get you to see her value and acknowledge her beauty.

Before you know it, she is the one initiating conversations with you, doing everything she can to butter you up so that you finally see her value and acknowledge her beauty.

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This is how you turn the tables on a girl that you thought was out of your league.

You have gone from erroneously thinking of her as the prize, to making yourself the prize.

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