I Am In Love With Someone I Am Casually Dating. So Now What?

I Am In Love With Someone I Am Casually Dating. So Now What?Of late, you have been dating someone casually and now you are in love.

You didn’t plan for this.

You had every intention to have fun with this guy and move on once the fun was had.

This didn’t happen.

You stayed in the casual relationship longer than you should have.

Now, you are in love with him and don’t know what to do about it.

I don’t envy your position.

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Take this from someone who has been in a similar predicament.

This being said, you mustn’t procrastinate in telling him that you are in love with him.

In staying close-lipped about how you feel about him, you are on a path to falling in love with him that much more.

Every time you are intimate with him, the love you feel for him intensifies.

Don’t let it get this far.

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Talk to him right now about how you feel about him.

In a perfect world, he is in love with you too.

Is there a chance that he has thought about telling you that he is in love with you, but stopped himself, fearing that you don’t feel likewise?

There is.

But, this is a longshot.

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When a guy knows that he is in love with a girl, he rarely lets the relationship stay casual without making an aggressive move to transition the casual relationship to one of commitment.

This has to do with the territorial nature of men.

He has a biological imperative to make a casual relationship committed, so as to ward off any guys that want to seduce you.

The fact that this guy hasn’t made any attempts to make his relationship with you official, means that he doesn’t care to do so.

Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, and you must be prepared to accept that he has no intention of making his relationship with you committed.

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This being said, you must talk to him about how you feel about him immediately.

Once you tell him that you are in love with him, do so without giving off the impression that you want him to say that he is in love with you too.

This relieves him of the pressure of having to tell you that he is in love with you when he isn’t.

The last thing you want in this instance is deceit.

You are better off getting a candid reply from him about how he feels about you.

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If he is honest with you in telling you that he isn’t in love with you, accept it.

Do not spend the next several weeks continuing on with the casual relationship, hoping to get him to change his mind about you.

This leads to you becoming that much more emotionally invested in him, which makes it harder for you to accept that he isn’t in love with you, and never will be.

In a scenario where he tells you that he is in love with you too, carefully observe his behavior from that moment on.

Is he inviting you to meet his friends and family, and introducing you as his girlfriend?

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Is he taking you out on proper dates?

Is he taking you on trips?

Is he putting out an effort to get to know your friends and family?

All of this lets you know that he was being honest when he told you that he is in love with you too.

When his behavior doesn’t change all that much, that is how you know that he lied to you about being in love with you too.

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He did so to keep the casual relationship alive, intent on getting his physical desires met.

Unfortunately, he is using you, and intends to dump you the moment someone better comes along.

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