How Would A Woman Feel If A Guy Takes Her To Shoot Guns For A Date?

How Would A Woman Feel If A Guy Takes Her To Shoot Guns For A Date?Shooting guns is a favorite pastime for several people, men and women included.

But not everyone.

A big misstep that guys make is in getting too caught up on how shooting guns makes them look macho.

No matter how much you have been praised by family and friends about your shooting prowess, don’t be misguided by this.

When you get lost in your bravado, it misleads you into thinking that you can impress a girl with it.

This leads to a presumptuous decision to ask a girl to go to shoot guns with you for a date.

Not only do you risk turning her off, if she isn’t into shooting guns, but you give her the impression that you are trying too hard to impress her.

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This wreaks of desperation.

She feels that you are hiding insecurities within you as a man, which is the total opposite of what you were intending to do.

Rather, she is thinking that you are so insecure about your manhood, you think that taking her to shoot guns for a date makes you look macho.

All of this being said, there are circumstances where it is fine to take a girl to shoot guns for a date.

If you have learned in multiple prior conversations and dates that you have had with her that she is a gun enthusiast.

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Even better, if she has shown a good amount of knowledge about guns, from knowing the brand names to describing her specific style of shooting.

A woman that is a fellow gun enthusiast is far more open to the idea of going to shoot guns with you on a date, than a girl who hasn’t shown in any way that she is into guns.

In fact, not only are there girls who have no knowledge, there are girls who are scared of them.

They look at guns as a symbol of violence and death.

A girl like this is more likely to negatively judge a guy who wants to take her to shoot guns for a date.

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Any conversation around guns is a turnoff, and she makes a decision to no longer go out on any further dates with the guy.

This is why you have to be careful.

Do not make the immediate assumption that asking her to shoot guns with you on a date makes you look macho, courageous, and in command.

A girl that attributes guns with violence and negativity is getting turned off by you, as opposed to turned on.

If you are a gun enthusiast and it matters to you that whoever you date is likewise, confirm that whoever you are taking out on dates is a gun enthusiast too.

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Don’t assume that every girl is, or that every girl thinks that a guy who shoots guns is macho.

A quick way to know whether she is a gun enthusiast is in the early conversations you have with her.

Sometimes, her politics and ideology give you a hint as to how she would feel about guns, but not always.

Which is why it’s better to be straightforward in asking her about how she feels about guns early on.

This gets it out in the open, making it clear on where you two stand on the topic.

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