How Quick Does A Woman Fall In Love With A Man In A Relationship?

How Quick Does A Woman Fall In Love With A Man In A Relationship?A woman falls in love with a man within 4 to 5 months.

By this time, she has grown to know this guy and connected with him on various levels.

A connection has been fostered, thanks to common interests and compatible personalities.

This is all well and good, but not enough to make her fall in love with him.

For her to fall in love with him, she has to let her guard down with him completely.

Before she gets there, she tests him by briefly letting her guard down from time to time to see what he does.

This is where she is gauging him to see whether he takes advantage of her or keeps her safe emotionally.

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A guy that keeps passing the test by keeping her safe emotionally, gets her closer and closer to finally letting herself fall in love with him.

The younger the woman is, the quicker she falls in love.

A woman in her late teens falls in love within a handful of conversations with a guy.

It is that fast.

But, at such a young age, this is more akin to an infatuation than love in the purest sense of the word.

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A mature young woman in her mid-20s and up has a fully developed brain and life experience as her tutor.

She has already dated players in her youth.

This is a guy that knew what buttons to push to give her the impression that she was emotionally safe with him, which tricked her into letting her guard down far too quickly as a youth.

Players know how to get a woman to let her guard down.

A young and immature woman who is inexperienced with the techniques that a player uses to get a woman to let her guard down, falls for his verbal tricks.

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He knows exactly what to say to give her the false impression that her heart and emotions are safe in his hands.

He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, who takes advantage of a young immature woman once she has fallen for his verbal tricks.

On the contrary, an mature young woman in her mid-20s and up, with a fully developed brain, and a past history in dating and relationships, is far more cautious with the prospect of falling in love.

When she was younger and immature, she fell for the verbal tricks of the gifted player.

She fell for it when he told her that she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

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She fell for it when he told her that she needn’t worry about all of his female admirers, as she was the special one.

She fell for it when he talked about family and how much he loved kids.

All words that he knew would appeal to her young and immature heart.

She fell for him, a bit too quickly, and later paid the bitter price at the hand of a player who inevitably cheated on her behind her back.

Young immature women typically learn this lesson again and again before it finally sticks.

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As a young and mature woman in her mid-20s and up, she is far more guarded in how quickly she falls in love with a man.

She puts him through several tests before she finally lets her guard down for good and is fully emotionally invested in him.

She has to be confident that he won’t finesse her like the player did in her younger years.

She doesn’t take a guy she is dating at his word, she expects him to back up his words.

She expects him to not only tell her that he will protect her, but show her.

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This is when he is making her walk on the pedestrian side of the sidewalk while he walks on the street-adjacent side.

She expects him to not only tell her that he is faithful, but to show her.

This is when he isn’t looking at beautiful random women as he is out in public with her, or following a plethora of beautiful women on social media, and liking all of their scantily-clad pictures.

She expects him to not only tell her that he is family-oriented, but to show her.

This is when he is meeting her family and getting along with them, and introducing her to his family and showing them how important she is to him.

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Over the course of 4 to 5 months, a woman puts a guy she is exclusively dating through a series of these tests.

Only when he passes them over and over again does she fully let her guard down and fall in love.

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