Ex Says He Wants To Keep Things The Same, Just Without The Boyfriend And Girlfriend Titles

Ex Says He Wants To Keep Things The Same, Just Without The Boyfriend And Girlfriend TitlesWhat your ex wants is secondary to what you want.

Try not to think too hard about what he wants, and succumbing to a desire to please him by acquiescing.

Rather, conscientiously consider what you want.

If you know that you don’t want to keep things the same, unless you have the boyfriend and girlfriend titles included, don’t ignore this.

Oftentimes, a girl ignores what she wants for that of an ex, so as to please him, given that she still has feelings for him.

Don’t be like this.

You mustn’t let your emotions for him get the best of you at this time.

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Your emotions can make you believe that you want the same thing, even though you don’t.

Being that you still love your ex, you tell yourself that he is hopefully going to change his mind about you at some point in this weird new pseudo-relationship.

Basically, you make yourself believe that the titles of boyfriend and girlfriend will return.

Ergo, you make the misstep of agreeing to what your ex has suggested in keeping things the same.

Unfortunately, this makes you far more susceptible to falling deeper and deeper in love with him without any guarantees that he ever puts the titles of boyfriend and girlfriend back on the relationship.

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If you have any doubts whatsoever about doing this, don’t agree to doing it.

His wants are secondary.

What you want is paramount.

Don’t let the fact that you still care about your ex make you want to agree to his suggestion.

When you agree to situationships or pseudo-relationships like this, you are risking never being able to define your relationship.

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You end up wasting precious time with him, with no title on the pseudo-relationship, and no end in sight.

While you remain stuck in this pseudo-relationship, you are missing out on several opportunities with men that are better matches for you.

But, you hold on to the idea that your ex is going to change his mind and put the titles of boyfriend and girlfriend on the relationship.

Meanwhile, your ex is getting what he wants out of the pseudo-relationship.

He gets your attention and emotional support.

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He gets to hang out with you, and have sex too.

All at his convenience.

He doesn’t have the responsibilities that come with being a boyfriend.

Being that there are no titles to the pseudo-relationship, he doesn’t have the burden of having to perform as a boyfriend.

He can literally come in and out of your life as he pleases.

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You would be at his beck and call.

Yet, no matter how much you inconvenience yourself to be there for him whenever he needs you, none of this would guarantee that he is ever going to put the boyfriend and girlfriend titles on the relationship.

This is far too precarious for you.

You are putting yourself at far too much risk if you grant him his request to keep things the same, but without the titles of boyfriend and girlfriend.

Doing this makes the pseudo-relationship lop-sided, as your ex gets to have his needs met without the added burden and responsibility that is expected of a boyfriend.

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He gets the benefits without any of the responsibility.

Think about this as you consider whether to accept your ex’s request.

If there is any doubt in you, or you realized that you are emotionally compromised, do not accept his offer.

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