Category Archives: Breakup

How Does A Dismissive Avoidant Feel When A Relationship Ends On Bad Terms?

How Does A Dismissive Avoidant Feel When A Relationship Ends On Bad Terms?A dismissive avoidant doesn’t want to grapple with his emotions.

He prefers not having to deal with them at all.

He thrives on avoiding emotional attachments.

This is why he doesn’t let anyone he is dating get too close to him emotionally.

While you were dating him, every time you wanted to dig deeper into who he was as a person, he shut you off.

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Do Men Actually Regret Losing A Good Girl Who Treated Them Well?

Do Men Actually Regret Losing A Good Girl Who Treated Them Well?Lots of men regret losing a good girl.

That is why so many men come back to girls they have left in the past.

The grass always seems greener on the other side, until he realizes it isn’t.

Men who leave good girlfriends that treated them well are looking for excitement and variety.

He has taken his good girlfriend for granted and believes he can do better.

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Is It Possible To Get Over Your First Long-Term Relationship Quickly, Or Will You Have Lingering Thoughts About It For A While?

Is It Possible To Get Over Your First Long-Term Relationship Quickly, Or Will You Have Lingering Thoughts About It For A While?It’s natural to have lingering thoughts about your first long-term relationship after it ends.

Every fiber in your being wants to get over it quickly.

You don’t like having to deal with these lingering thoughts.

Whatever you do, thoughts of him enter your mind at the most inopportune times throughout your day.

There were so many firsts with him.

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Is It Too Early To Start Dating After Just One Month Of Getting Dumped?

Is It Too Early To Start Dating After Just One Month Of Getting Dumped?It isn’t too early to start dating when you have already completed the work on yourself emotionally.

A significant number of people start dating again without healing from their previous relationship, and this is a grave blunder.

It wasn’t a good feeling to get dumped, and given how sudden it was, it only made the whole ordeal worse.

Consider how you are feeling right now.

Have you done the work on yourself to heal from this breakup?

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Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend For His Bad And Disrespectful Behavior?

Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend For His Bad And Disrespectful Behavior?It’s critical that you tell him about what is bothering you before considering breaking up with him.

Have a conversation with him about his bad and disrespectful behavior, but do this with a diplomatic approach.

Were you to use an accusatory approach to this conversation, you put him on the defensive, and this keeps him from taking what you have to say to heart.

He is too caught up in defending himself when you use an accusatory approach.

With this frame of mind, he won’t be open to what you have to say.

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