A Guy I Have Been Out On Two Dates With Is Mad I Canceled Our Third Date Due To Not Feeling Well

How-Normal-Is-It-For-Every-Woman-Youve-Been-Romantically-Involved-With-To-Go-Scorched-Earth-On-You-After-Parting-WaysThis is a guy that was excited about meeting you for a third date.

The first two dates went well and he was looking forward to seeing you again.

The cancellation of the third date left him disappointed, making him mad.

You weren’t expecting this.

And now, you don’t know how to address it, struggling to figure out the right approach to resolving this.

Here’s the thing.

He has been on the receiving end of canceled dates from a variety of women.

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This isn’t the first time that a woman has canceled a date on him.

In comparison to women, men don’t get as many dating opportunities, especially with women that they are attracted to.

When you canceled the third date, there was disappointment about not getting to see you on a third date.

But, there was also unhappiness about being canceled on.

To reiterate, this isn’t the first time this has happened to him.

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He doesn’t have as many dating options as you do.

Ergo, he got caught up in his feelings.

He thought you were different.

Being that he had already been on two dates with you, he thought that he had finally met a woman that he was connecting with and wouldn’t cancel a date on him.

You did.

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Even though your reason for canceling the third date was justified, given that you aren’t feeling well, he isn’t looking at it in that way.

He is looking at this cancellation from his own life experience and prism.

Unfortunately, he is putting you in the same box as the women he has gone out with in the past or attempted to go out with who canceled a date on him.

He is recalling all those past failures and is attributing the cancellation of the third date to yet another disappointing experience in the process of courting a girl.

In this case, you.

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He is lumping you in with all the past disappointments he has had while courting women from his past.

Keeping this in mind, know that his anger is based on his past failures in courting women.

He is lumping you in with those women.

Even though you had a good reason for canceling the third date, he is too stuck on his feelings to realize that.

He is looking at this as yet another disappointment.

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Yet another woman that has led him on.

If you innocently had to cancel the date based on not feeling well, and legitimately want to see him again, you have to give him a solid alternative day for a third date.

Canceling a third date without giving him an alternative day to meet gives him the impression that you are like every other woman who has disappointed him in the past.

In other words, you were leading him on and have now canceled on a date for your own convenience.

He thinks you were wasting his time and leading him on.

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He has been here before with women from his past.

Instead of giving him the impression that you are not being sincere about the reasoning behind the cancellation of the third date, suggest a different date to meet up with him.

Give him an alternative.

This is what eases his disappointment about the cancellation, giving him the impression that you do want to see him again.

If you like this guy, let him know that you want to see him again, and suggest a different date to meet him for a third date.

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By doing this, you quell his anger, and avoid losing his interest.

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