A Guy Changed His Dating Profile Pic Right After Our First Date

A Guy Changed His Dating Profile Pic Right After Our First Date Was OverAfter having such a great first date with him, you were taken aback when you saw that he changed his dating profile pic.

He has had the same profile pic since you matched with him a while ago.

The fact that he changed it right after the first date gave you pause, making you think that perhaps that first date didn’t go quite as well as you thought it did.

Yet, whenever you recall that first date in your mind, it was perfect.

He was conversational and there was lots of laughter.

There was never any sign that he was uncomfortable with you, nor were you ever uncomfortable with him.

It was a picture-perfect first date that ended with him asking you for a second date.

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It couldn’t have gone any better.

Yet, he changed his dating profile pic and you are wondering why.

The first reason why he did this was due to the inspiration he got from you on the first date.

You complimented him on his physical appearance and he was inspired by this.

That led him to a realization that he has been using the wrong dating profile pic.

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Take a closer look at the new pic he is using as his profile pic.

See anything familiar?

It’s closely representative of how he looked at the first date, if not an exact match.

He used the compliments you gave him on his physical appearance at the first date as his inspiration to do an overhaul of his dating profile pic.

In doing this, he is hoping that women see what you did at the first date and choose to swipe right on his profile.

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Secondly, the first date with you gave him confidence.

A confidence he had lost since he got on the dating app.

Guys don’t get anywhere near the same number of matches as women do on dating apps.

Many of them get next to no matches on dating apps.

He hasn’t had the best luck on the dating app.

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Out of the few matches he has received, several of these women made it seem like they were interested in him, only to cut off communication or ghost him in the end.

There have been women who agreed to go on a first date with him, only to cancel or not show up on the date.

He didn’t know that getting on a dating app would lead to such disappointment and so few matches.

This is what led to a loss of confidence and a dampening of his self-esteem.

He has questioned his self-worth multiple times since getting on the dating app.

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Out of nowhere, you show up.

The conversations with you were engaging and fun.

You were pleasant and kind, and quick to reply to his messages and phone calls.

This is what encouraged him to take a chance on asking you out on a date.

When you agreed, he was elated, but cautious.

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This wasn’t the first time a match had agreed to go out on a date with him, only to end up canceling it or ghosting him.

These are the moments that have facilitated in brutally shattering his confidence.

It didn’t matter how much time he took to cultivate a good relationship with these matches on the dating app, it always ended in such disappointment.

With this awful history, he was freaking out, worried that you would be like them and either cancel on the date or ghost him.

You didn’t.

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On the contrary, you showed up and gave him the best first date he has had since he joined the dating app.

By complimenting him, laughing at his jokes, and teasing him good-naturedly, you made him feel attractive.

In reigniting his confidence, you compelled him to change his dating profile pic.

Now he believes that all of his past disappointments with his matches have been due to bad luck or a failure in how he was communicating with them.

His time with you at the first date is his new blueprint for success.

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He wants a fresh start, and a fresh start calls for a fresh profile pic.

He intends to communicate with his future matches in the same way he did with you, from the moment he matched with you on the dating app, to how he interacted with you at the first date.

He wants this new strategy to lead to much better success with his future matches.

Rightly or wrongly, people on dating apps are inclined to think that there is a better match waiting for them with every swipe.

Now that he has finally had a successful first date, he intends to take advantage of the inspiration and confidence you have given him.

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Don’t worry, he is still looking forward to seeing you again on a second date.

Notwithstanding, he is keeping his dating options open, and so should you.

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