Does A Man Mainly Gain Confidence By Talking To Beautiful Women?

Does A Man Mainly Gain Confidence By Talking To Beautiful Women?A man mainly gains confidence by talking to beautiful women, but he has to know how to do it right.

Plenty of guys are too quick to talk to beautiful women with an immediate intent to sleep with them.

Beautiful women are aware of these tactics.

They know when a guy is using words that are predesigned to get her to drop her panties.

She is exposed to men like this every single day.

When she is out and about in public and approached by men, she knows that a greater number of them are out for one thing.

To sleep with her.

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She knows this through how they talk to her, using seductive tactics that she is far too familiar with.

When you look at beautiful women as targets that you want to sleep with, it won’t be hard for those that are seasoned to figure it out.

She has been here so many times with guys.

Have the right intentions when you approach beautiful women.

They aren’t an object for you to seduce and finagle into sleeping with you.

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Even if you succeed in getting some of these beautiful women to sleep with you, the confidence you gain from this is short-lived.

These innocent beautiful women do learn what a guy does to trick her into sleeping with him, and she becomes the wiser.

This is when you find yourself struggling to talk to these beautiful women in the future and get them to sleep with you.

They give you the cold shoulder.

When this happens, your confidence plummets, and all of a sudden, you are completely unsure of yourself.

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Using a seductive approach to talking to beautiful women only gives you temporary confidence, until the few innocent beautiful women you have tricked into bed get wiser.

You gain real confidence when you talk to beautiful women without any ulterior motives to sleep with them.

This is when you are talking to her as a regular human being.

In lieu of talking to her with an intent to sleep with her, you talk to her with a bona fide desire to get to know her as a person.

This means that you have to see her as a human being, and not a beauty object to be finessed, with the prime objective to get her to sleep with you.

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To reiterate, most beautiful women see through this because they have been there so many times with guys.

When you are a guy that talks to her as a human being without making references to her beauty, you make her so much more comfortable to talk to you and get to know you over time.

You get to cultivate good relationships with these beautiful women, never looking at them as beauty objects, but as human beings with feelings, personalities, aspirations, flaws, etc.

Suddenly, all these beautiful women start looking at you as a sweetheart.

Next thing you know, they are inviting you to parties or coming to the parties that you throw.

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This is where all of your patience in building valid friendships with these beautiful women has paid off, as they have now grown to trust and love you.

With a bevy of beautiful women as your friends, there are bound to be a few who develop a romantic interest in you over time.

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