He Likes Me, But I Don’t Like Him. What Do I Do About This?

He Likes Me, But I Don't Like Him. What Do I Do About This?Stop leading him on.

He is talking to you because he is getting the impression that you like him.

Whenever he flirts with you, you respond in kind.

Whenever he talks to you, you are engaged.

He has the impression that you like him.

Meanwhile, you know that you don’t.

You wanted to give it a chance to see whether a romantic spark would develop.

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It hasn’t, and it’s time to come to terms with this.

Plenty of women let an interaction with a guy drag out for too long before finally accepting that they don’t like him romantically and putting an end to it.

Sometimes, it has to do with a desire to keep getting the attention of the guy, even though they know that there is no chance for a romantic future with him.

How long have you known that you don’t like him romantically?

Don’t lie.

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It has been a while now.

Yet, you have continued to take his calls, and accept his date offers.

There is no need to keep stretching this out, telling yourself that you are just waiting to see whether a romantic spark develops.

There is no romantic spark, and none is forthcoming.

You don’t like him romantically and that is the plain truth.

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Think about the guys you have dated in the past and how you knew you liked them romantically.

It didn’t take weeks for you to figure it out.

You knew you liked them fairly quickly.

There was romantic chemistry established early.

Your body language was fluid with them.

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You were thrilled to talk to them and go out on dates with them.

All of this happened naturally.

You didn’t have to ask yourself whether there was a romantic spark or whether you liked them.

You did.

It was effortless.

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When you are struggling to determine whether you have a romantic spark with a guy that is courting you, this goes against everything you know from a lifetime of dating.

Why push against what you already know?

This guy isn’t giving you the same feeling as guys that have courted you in the past.

It’s different with him.

It’s not enough that he is physically attractive or looks similar in appearance as guys you have successfully dated in the past.

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You aren’t connected with him psychologically and emotionally.

That is what is missing with this guy, but wasn’t missing in the successful relationships you have had with men you have dated in the past.

When it feels like you are repeatedly having to manufacture excitement whenever you talk to him or go out on a date with him, your love language is subconsciously informing you that this is a guy you aren’t romantically compatible with.

It’s time to tell him that you do not feel a romantic spark with him.

To delay any further in doing this isn’t fair on him, nor you.

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You both deserve to be with romantic prospects that are romantically compatible.

The time you are wasting with him, is time that would have been better spent entertaining dating prospects that are more romantically compatible with you.

And vice versa.

Tell him the truth.

Let him know that you have enjoyed your time getting to know him, but that there is no romantic spark on your end.

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Wish him all the best with his love life, and let him go.

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