Why Do People Feel The Need For Revenge On Ghosters That Cut Them Off?

Why Do People Feel The Need For Revenge On Ghosters That Cut Them Off?Human beings are emotional creatures.

When we are romantically interested in someone, and putting forth the work, it’s painful when we are ghosted.

The more time we spend in courtship with a person, the more emotional investment there is, which makes it that much more difficult to handle being ghosted.

Getting ghosted by the person makes us feel insignificant, as though we don’t matter.

It’s a harsh confirmation that all the time we spent talking to this person was all for naught.

Such treatment is an insult to our sense of self-worth.

On top of this, we have already developed feelings for the ghoster.

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A ghoster we thought was also developing feelings for us.

Now that the ghoster has cut us off from communication, without an explanation, it is a shock to how we operate.

We don’t want to accept it at first, choosing instead to believe that the lack of communication is due to a technical glitch.

With this mindset, we attempt to use different avenues to get in touch with her.

We message her on a different social media platform that she has an account on.

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We call her on a different phone number.


Slowly, you realize that this isn’t a technical glitch of any sort.

She is purposely not responding to your messages or phone calls.

This is when it finally hits you that you have been ghosted.

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The emotions you feel at this moment are so raw and chaotic.

You recall how much time and effort you spent calling her, texting her, and getting to know her.

You think about how often she complimented you on your humor and personality.

All of this led you to believe that you had finally found the right girl for you.

Now that you realize that you have been ghosted, the idea that you had finally found the right girl for you is completely squashed.

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In lieu of this is an emptiness.

The sense that all of the aspirations that had built up in your mind over this girl were all for nothing.

She is a ghoster.

She ghosted you and never had the decency to tell you she was no longer interested in you.

Naturally, you seek solace from your friends.

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After talking to them about how this ghoster did you wrong, they affirm that she is no good and was never worth your time.

They try to make you feel better about yourself, telling you that she didn’t deserve you.

It feels good to hear this, but that good feeling doesn’t last long.

In your quieter moments, when you are by yourself, you are frequently reminded of her.

You remember the last time you had a conversation with her and how hopeful you felt by the end of it.

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Hopeful that this seemingly amazing girl was connecting with you on such a level, it was only a matter of time before you would be in an official relationship with her.

All of those dreams are now awash, and this is when you get angry.

You hate the fact that she led you on, making you think that there was romantic potential.

You feel used, as though she played you like a child plays with a toy, tossing you aside once she got bored with you.

You don’t deserve to be treated with such disrespect.

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This is when you finally develop the need for revenge.

There has to be a reckoning.

She can’t get away with treating people like this.

It’s time she learned her lesson.

Alas, this is how the need for revenge develops.

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You aren’t the only one who has felt this desire to avenge what a ghoster put you through.

However, the best antidote to your pain, is to put it behind you and move on.

Instead of letting yourself become consumed with thoughts of vengeance, move forward with your life.

Ghosters are their own worst enemy, as it is only a matter of time before they regret ghosting someone and find themselves begging the person to take them back to no avail.

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