Should You Still Date Someone That Has A Horrendous Tattoo On His Body?

Should You Still Date Someone That Has A Horrendous Tattoo On His Body?That horrendous tattoo is present on his body every time you are with him physically.

It’s located somewhere on his body that can be covered by clothing.

But, you still get to see it when you are sleeping with him.

Since you already think that it is a horrendous tattoo, you are reminded of it whenever you see him naked.

That moment is sure to cause an irritation in you.

You are fixating on that horrendous tattoo when it gets exposed.

Regardless of how good you were feeling prior to that moment, seeing his horrendous tattoo exposed once again right before your eyes, is a buzz kill.

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Once again, as you have multiple times before, you are irritated at the sight of it.

You are taken out of the moment, consumed with how horrendous the tattoo is.

In the grand scheme of things, a horrendous tattoo isn’t that big of a deal in a relationship.

After all, you aren’t the one who has to carry it around on your body.

And as long as it is located in an area that is well-covered by clothing, you don’t have to feel embarrassed whenever you are in public with him, or among family and friends.

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This being said, there are caveats.

If he is very insecure about this horrendous tattoo, it can cause issues in the relationship.

He is constantly talking about how horrendous it is.

He complains that he was drunk when he did it, or did it on a dare from his buddies, and wishes he never did.

These complaints get old after a while, and aggravating.

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You get tired of hearing him complain about it, especially when you realize that all he does is complain without doing anything about it.

He doesn’t get it removed.

He flirts with the idea from time to time, but he never does it.

This makes him nothing but a complainer who lacks the courage to fix whatever it is that he is complaining about.

With this notion of him, you see him in a negative light.

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Inevitably, you lose respect for him.

Not so much because of the horrendous tattoo itself, but because he keeps complaining about it and never does anything about it.

Before you know it, you no longer want to be around him for any stretch of time.

You certainly don’t want to be physically intimate with him, knowing that the moment he gets naked, he is complaining about his horrendous tattoo.

Like clockwork.

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It’s one thing for a guy to have a horrendous tattoo, but have a healthy disposition about it, where he isn’t obsessively complaining about it.

It’s another thing to date someone who has a horrendous tattoo that he is interminably complaining about and is clearly insecure about.

This negative and insecure attitude is getting on your nerves in good time, and you won’t want to date him any longer.

Furthermore, if you are a tattoo enthusiast and have several artistic tattoos on your body, you are susceptible to regarding his horrendous tattoo as a deal breaker.

People who love tattoos have a special relationship with their tattoos and this is reflective in how well-done their tattoos are.

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As a tattoo aficionado, you won’t appreciate the fact that his tattoo is so horrendous the more you get to see it on his body.

Ask yourself whether this would be a deal breaker to you.

Have you ever broken up with a previous boyfriend and complained about several of his tattoos afterward?

If you have, you are bound to break up with a guy who has a horrendous tattoo, despite there being only one of them.

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