If A Guy Says He Wants Me To Be His Side Chick, Does That Mean He Already Has A Girlfriend Or Someone He Is Seeing?

If A Guy Says He Wants Me To Be His Side Chick, Does That Mean He Already Has A Girlfriend Or Someone He Is Seeing?A guy that wants you to be his side chick already has a girlfriend or someone he is seeing.

That being said, he has a number of side chicks too.

Meaning, you are one of a few or many side chicks he already has at his disposal.

His girlfriend carries more weight than his side chicks, but not by all that much.

He is addicted to the sex and attention he gets from his side chicks, which means that he is incapable of fully committing to his girlfriend.

She has been suspicious of his salacious behavior with women outside of the relationship and has threatened to leave him on multiple occasions, but ends up staying.

All that it requires is for him to make empty promises that he is intent on becoming a better boyfriend, and she melts, giving in.

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Sadly, she is too emotionally invested in him to leave him that seamlessly.

Where she is now, is where you are in a few months, if you choose to be his side chick.

No, it doesn’t mean that you are destined to be his girlfriend, it’s more so that you are risking becoming as emotionally invested in him as his girlfriend is.

It’s inevitable that as you have sex with him as his side chick, you become more emotionally attached to him.

This is when oxytocin, a feel-good hormone that is produced in the hypothalamus of the brain, is released into your bloodstream by the pituitary gland, making you bond that much more with him emotionally.

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While this is happening, you are becoming increasingly compromised emotionally.

This makes you less likely to use your common sense when you know that everything he tells you about his feelings for you are practically lies.

The same words he uses to convince his so-called girlfriend to not leave him.

With your emotions compromised, you let yourself fall for everything he is telling you about how much he cares about you.

You keep telling yourself that he is poised to make you his girlfriend soon.

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After all, he keeps telling you that you are the one for him.

All lies.

He has no intention of making you his girlfriend.

And even if he does make you his girlfriend, he won’t be a faithful boyfriend to you.

He will treat you as he has treated every single so-called girlfriend he has ever had.

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The thing is, he is addicted to having side chicks.

To think that there are women who are content with having sexual relations with him without any commitment from him, is too tempting to pass up.

That is why he has been so bold in asking you to be his side chick.

He has had several women in the past agree to his request.

Like you, there was a part of them that believed that somewhere down the line, they would move up to being more than just a side chick.

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That rarely happens.

If you choose to be his side chick, you won’t be any different from a plethora of side chicks that he has had in the past.

There is a reason why he asks specific women to be his side chick.

He already knows that the woman he selects only satisfies him aesthetically and nothing more.

As she develops feelings for him, he never feels likewise.

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She is forever a vessel to him for sexual gratification.

That is her role, and why he chose to make her his side chick in the first place.

If you choose to become his side chick, you won’t be any different from any of these women.

Like them, you are someone aesthetically pleasing to him.

Nothing more, nothing less.

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It goes without saying, you are better off not becoming his side chick.

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