I Have A Boyfriend But Have A Crush On Another Guy And I Feel A Little Jealous When I See Him With Another Girl

I Have A Boyfriend But Have A Crush On Another Guy And I Feel A Little Jealous When I See Him With Another GirlYou are losing feelings for your boyfriend.

This is why you have a crush on another guy.

Even though you don’t believe that you don’t love your boyfriend at this time, it is only a matter of time before this happens.

Right now, you don’t want to risk losing your boyfriend when there isn’t a sure thing waiting for you.

This crush is the guy you actually want.

Being that he already has this girl as a love interest, you are keeping yourself from completely falling for him.

You don’t want to have to go through the pain of completely falling for him, only to have him choose to stick with this girl.

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You aren’t prepared to take that risk.

So, you keep your emotions fairly in check.

Notwithstanding, that doesn’t preclude you from feeling a little jealous when you see the guy you have a crush on with this girl.

You imagine what it would be like to be her.

You are thinking about how your crush must be fulfilling her in the manner that you want to be fulfilled.

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You see, your boyfriend used to fulfill you like that, but he no longer is.

For a while, you were hoping that the spark would come back with him.

You wanted to get the same feeling that you had in the early stages of dating him.

Sadly, you have since given up on getting that feeling back.

Your boyfriend isn’t fulfilling you like that anymore.

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But, this crush is.

He is making you feel like you did with your boyfriend in the early stages.

It’s exhilarating.

You love that feeling and want more of it.

Regrettably, you aren’t getting to enjoy that feeling as much as you would want, given that your crush isn’t dating you.

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The jealousy you feel for this girl is based on what you are missing in your relationship.

There is no doubt in your mind that your crush is fulfilling for her what you so desperately miss in your relationship with your boyfriend.

You don’t want her to get to have all that.

Though selfish, you want to be the one who gets to have it.

All of this being said, the shortfall in your relationship has led to a crush on this guy, but know that your relationship is reparable.

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Whatever that is missing was once there before.

This means that it can be rekindled if you mutually put in the work to make it happen.

Do you want to save your relationship from its inevitable downfall, given the path you are on?

To remedy it, have a forthright conversation with your boyfriend about what is missing in the relationship that you require.

In turn, ask him about what he needs from you that you aren’t providing.

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This has to be a give-and-take.

A healthy relationship is a two-way street.

It isn’t about the individual needs of one partner alone.

Either party has to feel satiated in knowing that their individual needs are getting met.

Should he agree to this, set up an action plan for how you intend to resolve the issues as a couple.

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Take steps every day towards getting the issues resolved.

In doing this, you get fulfilled in due time, and so does he.

This automatically makes you less emotionally available, which means you are finally capable of getting rid of this crush once and for all.

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