How To Get Out Of A Situationship With A Guy You Care About

How To Get Out Of A Situationship With A Guy You Care AboutBeing in a situationship is difficult once emotions get involved.

Your life and thoughts become all about the guy.

It is no longer about the fun of having commitment-free sex.

There are emotions involved whenever you have sex with him.

Every single time, those emotions become more profound.

You are thinking about him more often, wondering whether he is thinking about you.

You are obsessed with what he is doing online and who he is talking to.

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Furthermore, you get antsy when he takes hours or days to reply to your text messages and phone calls.

It has been a whirlwind of a time and you are tired of it.

You want to get out of this situationship pronto.

This is what you do.

Firstly, you have to stop having sex with him.

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Yes, this is nonnegotiable.

Whenever you have sex with him, your body releases a bonding hormone called oxytocin that strengthens your emotional attachment to him.

This makes it that much more onerous for you to emotionally detach yourself from him.

It’s time that you make this giant step.

Irrespective of how horny you get whenever you talk to him, you mustn’t give in to your carnal desires.

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This is how he gets you on the hook.

The sex is so good that you keep letting yourself fall for his empty promises and platitudes.


That time is up.

If you want to get out of a situationship, the first step is to stop having sex with him.

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This keeps your body from having to release oxytocin over and over again with every sexual encounter you have with him, saving you from developing an ever deeper emotional connection to him.

The next step is to get rid of everything at your place that belongs to him.

Yes, that means you have to get rid of that giant shirt of his that you love to wear so much.

No more sniffing of his scent on it.

It has to leave your life immediately, along with everything else of his that he has at your place.

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This includes any gifts that he gave you.

Yes, sadly, that includes the necklace you love so much.

Sorry, that has to go too.

Everything and anything that belongs to him, or given to you by him, must go effective immediately.

And no, he isn’t coming to your place to pick it all up.

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This only gives him yet another chance to make your knees weak at the sound of his sexy voice and the manliness of his persona.

Too much temptation.

Out of the question.

Arrange a mutual place where you get to drop it off.

There must be no visual or physical contact between you.

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Think of a rich man dropping off a suitcase full of money that a kidnapper of his daughter has demanded for ransom.

Yes, just like the movies.

No visual or physical contact.

Drop it off and get out of there.

Thirdly, get away for a little while.

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Go on a trip with your girlfriends and have a blast.

This is like a cleansing trip where you rejuvenate your spirit.

You are free to have fun and free your mind of all the drama that has complicated your life ever since you got into a situationship with him.

When you return, you do the final step.

Find a new purpose in your life.

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It can be anything that grabs your interest.

Learning a new language or instrument.

Becoming a cooking connoisseur.

Getting into a new rigorous exercise regiment to get rid of the extra fat and shaping your body into that of a goddess.

A new purpose in life keeps your mind and body preoccupied.

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This keeps your thoughts from straying into thinking about him.

Thinking about him for any sustained length of time is a trap that makes you susceptible to missing him.

And suddenly, you are calling and texting him.

We can’t have that.

By the way, his phone number and every form of contact has been blocked too.

You did this the moment you dropped off his belongings.

There was no need to have any of his contact information after that, nor allow him the privilege of being able to keep contacting you.

Having the discipline to do all of this gets you out of a situationship, and you never have to look back.

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