How Many Dates Does A Guy Go On Before Declaring That A Girl Is His Girlfriend Or S.O.?

How Many Dates Does A Guy Go On Before Declaring That A Girl Is His Girlfriend Or S.O.?It takes about 2 to 3 months for a guy to declare that you are his girlfriend or S.O.

At an average of about a date a week, this comes to roughly 8 to 12 dates.

This being said, there are exceptions.

There are those who hit it off very quickly and make it official after less than a handful of dates.

Though exciting, this isn’t a good approach.

When two people are so excited about each other that they become official in less than a handful of dates, it sets them up for trouble in the future.

They never gave the courtship enough time to get to see each other’s flaws.

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They were far too intoxicated with how good it was to be around each other, not realizing that this feeling is only temporary.

The real relationship begins after this euphoric feeling has passed.

Unfortunately, they don’t know this or choose to ignore it.

They are so beguiled by each other, they expect the euphoric feeling to last forever.

It doesn’t.

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Soon, the flaws arise.

The fights ensue, and the relationship is over almost as quickly as it began.

No matter how much you like a guy, never let your feelings take over your reasoning.

When you have been out on less than a handful of dates with a guy, it isn’t prudent to become his girlfriend so soon.

This is irrespective of whether he asks you to be.

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More time is required for you to gauge each other as individuals, so as to figure out whether there is long-term compatibility.

People have a tendency to misconstrue an infatuation with someone for love.

When your feelings are at such an electrified level in the early stages, it’s so easy to misconstrue what you are feeling for love, when in fact, it is infatuation.

With time, it is easier to discern whether you are feeling infatuation or love for someone.

No matter how excited you are about him, and he is about you, give it at least 8 to 12 dates before accepting a proposal from him to be his girlfriend.

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Conversely, a guy that hasn’t asked you to be his girlfriend after going out on 12 dates with you, isn’t serious about making you his girlfriend.

This is a span of 2 to 3 months.

This is enough time for a guy to know whether you are someone that he wants to date for the long term.

When he hasn’t declared you to be his girlfriend after going out on 12 dates with you, he is only interested in using you.

It doesn’t matter what he told you he was looking for.

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It doesn’t matter that he told you that he was looking for a long-term relationship in conversations you had with him in the early days of courtship.

He isn’t backing up those words with his actions.

12 dates are enough for him to determine whether he wants to make you his girlfriend.

You shouldn’t stick around longer than this.

Doing so gives him that much more reason not to make you his girlfriend, as he would be getting the benefits that a boyfriend gets, without the commitment.

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Girls struggle to leave a guy when they are this many dates in, given that they have already slept with him and developed an emotional connection with him.

This makes them stay, and continue being used.

Have the strength to leave when you are this far in with a guy.

At this stage, it is to your detriment and his advantage if you were to stay.

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