How Come Dads Only Care When Their Daughters Make Bad Choices In Dating But Not Their Sons?

How Come Dads Only Care When Their Daughters Make Bad Choices In Dating But Not Their Sons?Dads are unapologetically protective of their daughters.

They believe that when their daughters make bad choices in dating, the consequences are far more dire.

Traditionally, the father gives away his daughter to the man that is supposed to take over in providing for and protecting her.

This would be the partner you choose.

If you make a bad choice in this partner, your dad feels an innate sense of responsibility.

He is supposed to give you away to a man that he knows will provide for and protect you, as he did for you growing up.

He cares deeply when you make a bad choice in dating, as it means that you are with a man who won’t provide or protect you, like he did while you were growing up.

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As a man and a dad, he has an innate biological instinct to protect his kin.

You saw it in how he watched over your mother as you were growing up.

You saw it in how he watched over the family as a whole, including you and his sons growing up.

Alas, he isn’t as worried about his sons making bad choices in dating because they are young men who will have to find their way in the world.

Boys are raised by their dads with a constant reminder that they are eventually going to have to go out into the world and prove themselves.

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To this end, he knows that his protection for his sons can only go so far.

They have to fend for themselves and make their way through the world until they land on their own two feet.

In the world we live in, men have to earn their value.

It is a cold and harsh reality that they are made privy of from a young age.

He is taught that no one is going to save him.

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He has to prove his value to the world and only then is he in the best possible position to attract the best mate.

Until then, dads don’t care all that much how much their sons stumble as they navigate through the world of dating.

After all, it takes a while for a young man to build his value in the world.

Whoever he dates before he earns this value is almost irrelevant to dads.

What matters most to him is that his son earns his value in the world.

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From that point on, he knows his son is set to naturally attract the best mates to him, given that he is now in a good position to protect and provide for her, just like his dad did for his mother.

His daughter is a different story.

If she makes a bad choice in dating, it could literally ruin the rest of her life, or drastically derail it.

The chances of you getting pregnant by a guy that was a bad choice, and being stuck with a baby you are ill-equipped to afford or raise, is high.

The odds of you getting physically and emotionally abused by a guy that was a bad choice, and having to deal with the negative physical and emotional effects of that for the rest of your life, is high.

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The likelihood of you having to financially support a guy that was a bad choice, and finding yourself in colossal debt for the rest of your life, is high.

As your dad, a provider and protector, he believes that the stakes are much higher and dire if you were to make a bad choice in who you choose to date, as opposed to if his son were to make a bad choice in who he chooses to date.

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