Do Trusting People Often Fall Into Abusive Relationships?

Do Trusting People Often Fall Into Abusive Relationships?Unfortunately, trusting people often fall into abusive relationships.

They are easy targets for people who are abusers.

Abusers know the characteristics of a trusting person.

You are a trusting person with a good heart.

Think about the characteristics you are frequently complimented on by your family and friends.

Your kindness, and nonjudgmental nature.

How well you sympathize and empathize with people.

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Your patience, and how slow you are to anger.

All of these are characteristics of trusting people.

You see the good in people, no matter how flawed they are in character.

You look for the good in them.

Sadly, there are abusers who are exceedingly good at seeking out people like you as relationship partners.

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At first, she shows up in your life like a wounded dog.

You take pity on her, believing that beneath all that suffering that she has gone through in life, there is a good and kind person.

A person like yourself.

All you need to do is nurse her back to health, like you would a wounded dog.

For a while, it seems to be working.

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She is responding to your kindness by showing kindness of her own.

She is staying away from destructive behavior such as smoking, drinking, and doing drugs.

She is mimicking your lifestyle, staying on the straight and narrow path.

It seems like she is healing and becoming the best possible version of herself, despite all of the hardships she has been through in life.

Meanwhile, you are developing a deeper emotional connection to her.

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She has been responding to your kindness and has taken respite in your protection.

Being a loving human being, it makes sense that you develop a stronger emotional connection to her while she is going through this difficult journey.

Your ability to empathize is in full force during this time.

Although you haven’t been through the hardships that she has been through in life, you have seen your fair share of people who have.

You become emotionally invested in her success.

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You want her to get out of the hole she has been lost in for so much of her life.

Finally, you realize that it has been several weeks and she has been in a consistently upbeat mood.

She hasn’t cried herself to sleep in a while.

She has gone out on dates with you and been fully invested in the conversations without any lapses.

She hasn’t had any mood swings.

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The lovemaking has improved.

She doesn’t push you away when you hug her after the fact, as you both go to sleep.

You are excited, as it appears that she has overcome her demons, with you as her guardian angel.

That image quickly shatters when she starts hitting you out of nowhere and calling you nasty insults.

She is throwing temper tantrums on a whim.

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No matter what you say or do to temper her, she doesn’t let up.

The abusive behavior gets worse.

She is hitting you harder, screaming at you louder, accusing you of horrific behavior you would never dream of doing.

It gets to be too much.

You want out.

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But, alas, it isn’t that easy.

The months you spent helping her heal led to a deep emotional investment in her.

Like it or not, she is now a part of you and you struggle with the idea of walking away.

As a trusting person, you are at the crosshairs of people who have a history of being abusive to their partners.

It’s time you stop taking the bait.

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The next woman that comes into your life that bears the characteristics of a wounded dog must be completely avoided.

It is not your job to fix her.

There is no fixing someone who doesn’t want to be fixed.

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