Do Men In Their 40s And 50s Find Women In Their Late 20s Attractive, Or Do These Women Look Too Young To Them?

Do Men In Their 40s And 50s Find Women In Their Late 20s Attractive, Or Do These Women Look Too Young To Them?Lots of men in their 40s and 50s find women in their late 20s attractive.

These women do not look too young to them.

The reason why most of these men hesitate to make any romantic moves on a woman in her late 20s is because they automatically assume that she would think them too old.

So, it isn’t so much that he doesn’t find the woman that is in her late 20s attractive, it is more so that he doesn’t think that the woman in her late 20s would find a man in his 40s and 50s to be attractive.

Men are primarily attracted to physical beauty in women.

Women in their youth are at their apex in terms of beauty.

Whether a man is in his teens or nineties, the biological instinct to be impressed by a beautiful young woman never goes away.

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Women in their 20s are at their peak of physical attractiveness.

This is where she is a young adult who has come into her own physically and mentally.

This makes her insanely attractive to most men, including men in their 40s and 50s.

Again, the reason why a man in his 40s and 50s doesn’t attempt to talk to you as a romantic prospect has nothing to do with him not finding you attractive.

As a youthful beautiful woman in her late 20s, he naturally finds you attractive.

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He is primarily concerned with you believing him to be too old to date.

To this extent, he talks himself out of making any attempt to court you.

He tells himself that you would never give him a chance, given that he is old enough to be your father, or you young enough to be his daughter.

This is how most of these men in their 40s and 50s talk themselves out of making a move on a woman in her late 20s.

He keeps piling on mentally by telling himself that making a move on a woman in her late 20s makes him look like a groomer.

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He doesn’t want to be seen as a man robbing the cradle, taking advantage of a young woman who doesn’t know any better.

These are all mental gymnastics he uses to make himself feel better about not making an attempt to talk to the woman.

It’s all lies he is telling himself.

If given a choice, he would be more than open to talking to an attractive woman in her late 20s.

This is where you come in.

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Most men in their 40s and 50s aren’t going to make a decisive move on you, thinking that you would regard them as too old.

This is why you have to put it on yourself to make the initial moves.

Start a conversation with him.

Give him a compliment.

Ask for his thoughts or opinions about a subject.

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Keep this up consistently.

This is what lets him know that you are interested in him.

It breaks through the walls that he has built in his mind in regards to why a woman in her late 20s wouldn’t be attracted to him.

In lieu of these walls, he is becoming more confident in thinking that you do like him.

This is when he asks you out.

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