Do Guys Curse A Lot In Front Of The Girl They Like?

Do Guys Curse A Lot In Front Of The Girl They Like?There are guys who curse a lot in front of the girl they like.

It’s done to make himself appear strong and aggressive.

Cursing is how he conveys a rebellious attitude and that he isn’t a conformist.

There is a level of expectation of decorum in society.

Society at large expects that there is a modicum of civility whenever there is discourse between individuals.

A guy that curses a lot in front of a girl he likes is sending a subliminal message that he is going against the norm of society.

He is rebelling against it in cursing as much as he pleases, as he won’t be governed by society’s rules.

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Believing that this is what attracts women, he puts you in the same bucket as every other girl.

Thinking, you would see all of this cursing as a sign that he is rebellious and nonconformist.

All of this being said, don’t use the fact that he curses a lot in front of you as the sole signal that he likes you.

To confirm that he likes you, look for a few other signals that go along with the cursing.

A guy that is cursing a lot in front of you, who so happens to like you, does everything he can to dominate a conversation.

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If he is talking to several friends or to several people in a room, and knows that you are in the vicinity, he is not only cursing but leading the conversation too.

He is bringing up the topics of conversation and interjecting with his opinion every so often.

He doesn’t care that he is cutting people off in mid-conversation as he does this.

All he cares about is coming off as the leader of the group.

Thus, he is cutting people off in mid-conversation and inserting his opinion in the process, amid a flurry of expletives.

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This is how he exhibits domination of the group or dominance of the room.

Furthermore, he looks in your direction frequently to confirm that you are seeing what he is doing.

He wants to know that you are, and if he sees that he has your attention, he is encouraged to keep doing what he is doing.

He curses more.

Cuts people off in mid-conversation more.

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Elevates his voice.

Gets more animated in his physical movements and gestures.

All of this is done to assert dominance over his group or the room at large.

When you observe a combination of these stimuli, you are in a much better position to know whether he likes you.

Without a combination of these stimuli, it isn’t assured that a guy that is cursing a lot in front of you likes you.

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This would be a guy who curses a lot in front of you, but doesn’t care all that much that you are within earshot.

He curses freely, as he normally would around his roommates or buddies.

This is where he sees his relationship with you as strictly platonic in tone.

This is why you should look for a combination of stimuli to affirm that he does like you.

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