Do Girl Ghosters Come Back, And If So, What Do You Tell Them?

Do Girl Ghosters Come Back, And If So, What Do You Tell Them?Girl ghosters have a knack for coming back.

Nonetheless, it is for selfish reasons.

It didn’t work out with the guy she ghosted you for, and now, she wants your attention back.

Be careful that you don’t get tricked into thinking that she is back out of a concern for you.

The act of ghosting in and of itself is inherently callous and self-centered.

When she chose to ghost you, she didn’t care to give you the common courtesy of telling you that she was no longer interested in you.

She disappeared on you.

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Wasn’t answering your texts and phone calls.

This behavior isn’t random.

It speaks to her character.

It is callous and self-centered.

That hasn’t changed on the mere fact that she has come back.

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She has come back for the same selfish purposes.

You are an easy target.

She knew that you liked her in the past, which makes it much easier to come back to you to get your attention back.

This fulfills her ego.

An ego that was damaged when the last guy that she ghosted you for dumped her or rejected her.

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In coming back to you, she is using you as her band-aid.

Needless to say, a band-aid is temporary.

Once that wound is healed, the band-aid is taken right off and thrown in the trash.

You are her band-aid.

Once she gets her ego recharged, she is discarding you once again and throwing you in the trash.

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Why go through this again?

I get it, she is beautiful.

It doesn’t matter how beautiful she is though.

She isn’t sincerely interested in you.

Whoever she is interested in didn’t want her anymore.

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That is why she came back to you.

In taking her back, you are conveying the message that you are nothing but a doormat.

She doesn’t respect men that are doormats.

She doesn’t respect men who don’t set any boundaries nor have standards.

Such a man is a puppet to her.

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Every time she is feeling sad and lonely, all she has to do is come back to you and you are guaranteed to welcome her back with open arms.

Is this who you want to be?

Her doormat?

And no, she won’t sleep with you.

If she does, it is short-lived.

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All you are is a placeholder until the right guy for her comes along.

In letting her back into your life, you exert unnecessary time and energy on her.

This is time and energy that would have been better spent living a full life and talking to new girls who have an unfeigned romantic interest in you.

Yes, girl ghosters come back, but indulging in it only leaves you with nothing to show for it a few days or weeks later, when she has suddenly stopped texting and calling you.

Yes, that old feeling all over again.

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She got you excited when she came back into your life, reigniting the passion within you.

You were thinking about a life with her as a serious girlfriend.

Then, poof.

She doesn’t return your text message.

An hour goes by. Two. Three. A whole day.

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All of a sudden, it hits you that it is happening all over again.

And it is.

Why put yourself through this again?

When a ghoster wants back into your life, don’t bother returning her text message or phone call.

Block her phone number and move forward with your life.

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