Can You Fall In Love If You Already Have Strong Feelings For Someone You Can’t Have?

Can You Fall In Love If You Already Have Strong Feelings For Someone You Can't Have?You can’t fall in love in the truest sense of the word if you already have strong feelings for someone you can’t have.

It’s inevitable that you keep comparing the new person to the one that you already have strong feelings for that you can’t have.

Every time it feels as though you are about to finally put those strong feelings aside for the new person in your life, it interrupts.

It forces powerful memories of the person that you have strong feelings for into your consciousness.

You remember the special moments you had with him.

How he connected with you so deeply when he spoke, and how much the sound of his voice made your heart skip a beat.

How he made you feel so much safer than anyone you have ever encountered in your life.

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These passionate memories get in the way of you falling in love with a new person, and the harder you try to push them away, the harder they push back.

Before thinking about dating again, you have to resolve the strong feelings that you have for this guy that you know you can’t have.

The first step is to fully accept that you can’t have him.

The thing is, you aren’t fully accepting that you can’t have him.

There remains a part of you that continues to flirt with the possibility that one day the impossible happens.

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One day you get to have him.

This is the number one reason why you haven’t let yourself move on from this guy.

There remains a part of you that is yearning for this to have a fairy tale ending where your Prince Charming sweeps you off of your feet, puts you on his horse, and rides into the sunset with you.

Let this fantasy go.

Any notion that there is a possibility that you can have this guy one day has to be eradicated from your mind.

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It is only when you fully accept that this is a guy you can never ever have, are you ready to move on to the next step.

The next step is to stop comparing any man that is courting you to the guy that you have strong feelings for.

There is a subconscious part of you that is fully alert whenever it comes to comparing whoever you are newly dating to the guy you have strong feelings for.

It happens time and time again.

You compare how the new guy talks, acts, laughs, walks, etc., to the guy that you have strong feelings for.

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Stop this.

As you date, you must give each and every guy that is courting you his own lane.

Every time you have the urge to compare something he says or does to the guy you have strong feelings for, stop yourself.

Stay in the moment.

Let him show you who he is and what he is about.

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Learn to appreciate the small details, and his unique tendencies.

It’s only when you look at each and every guy who courts you as his own person, do you give yourself the latitude to accept and appreciate what each guy uniquely brings to a potential relationship.

As human beings, we have an uncanny ability to let ourselves fall in love through multiple avenues.

Although the guy you have strong feelings for affected you so profoundly, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t a variety of avenues that can get you to fall in love again.

The average person falls in love at least 3 times in life.

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You have the capacity to fall in love with someone new.

As a human being, you have the capability to fall in love in a uniquely different way, each and every one of those times.

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