Can A Kiss On The Cheek Ever Be Romantic When You Are On A Date With A Guy?

Can A Kiss On The Cheek Ever Be Romantic When You Are On A Date With A Guy?You had a good date with this guy and already know that you really like him.

Although you thought the date went well, it ended with him giving you a kiss on the cheek.

This was somewhat alarming and perplexing.

A date that you thoroughly enjoyed seemed to end with a dud.

As you went home, you were consumed with thoughts of whether he sincerely likes you.

You were animated and responsive at the date.

There was lots of laughter.

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True, as the date progressed, you were excited about the prospect of getting a kiss from him at the end of it.

This gave you a thrill.

Yet, this didn’t happen.

He gave you a kiss on the cheek and let you go on your way.

This was not the romantic ending that you were cautiously anticipating.

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You don’t know what to think of this.

Listen, a kiss on the cheek isn’t as bad as you are suspecting it is.

Yes, it can be romantic in nature.

Think back to the kiss as it happened.

Did he kiss you at the lower half of your cheek?

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This is closer to your lips which signals romantic intent.

Did he linger for a few seconds before pulling away?

This is establishing a physical connection which signals romantic intent.

Did he put his arm around your lower back as he kissed your lower cheek?

Yet another form of creating a physical connection.

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Did he lightly sniff your perfume before pulling away?

He is breathing in your essence, which is a powerful romantic cue.

When he pulled away, did he hold his ground for several seconds, looking into your eyes with a smile?

This is his reluctance to break away from you, wanting the moment to last a little longer.

These are all signs that he gave you a romantic kiss on the cheek.

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Even though you thought that the atmosphere was ripe for a proper kiss on the lips, he chose to give you a romantic kiss on the cheek out of an abundance of caution.

He didn’t want to be too presumptuous in kissing you on the lips.

The date went well and he didn’t want to ruin it all by assuming that you were ready for a kiss on the lips.

There are guys who are like this.

They are conservative with how they approach courting a woman.

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Instead of taking a leap of faith and going for a kiss too early, he holds back.

Rather, he kisses the girl on the cheek.

He is taking the time he deems necessary for the courtship to build up to a proper kiss.

Kissing you on the cheek was a test.

He was gauging how you would react.

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As long as you react well to it, he is emboldened about the prospect of giving you a proper kiss on the lips on the next date.

Think of the kiss on the cheek as the appetizer before the main course.

A buildup to a proper kiss on the lips.

As long as you are just as receptive to him with your body language as you were on this date, he is intent on giving you a proper kiss on the lips at the end of the next date.

All of this being said, a kiss on the cheek that isn’t romantic in nature is one that is planted on the upper part of your cheek.

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His lips barely touch the surface of your skin.

He releases contact extremely fast, and doesn’t linger to stare into your eyes with a smile.

Rather, he is quickly bidding you adieu and heading off on his merry way.

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