My Boyfriend Is Mad At Me For Socializing With Guys In A VR Game

My Boyfriend Is Mad At Me For Socializing With Guys In A VR GameYour boyfriend believes that these guys are attracted to you.

By socializing with them in a VR game, you were making it seem as though you like them too.

It made him jealous.

A guy is inclined to get jealous when he sees that his girlfriend is getting a preponderance of male attention in a VR game.

Know that a good chunk of these men don’t have girlfriends and have a nonexistent dating life.

The VR game is how they escape the world.

When you are socializing with these guys, you are giving them female attention that they aren’t all that used to.

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It bloats their egos, giving them a sense of self-importance.

It means that they are now on a lookout for you.

They pay attention to whenever you have a tendency to get online and play the VR game, and make sure that they got online at the same time.

Have you noticed that you are seeing several of the same guys when you are online playing the VR game?

They have made themselves aware of how often you play and when you get online to play, and have adapted to your schedule.

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Although, you don’t think any of this is a big deal, it is to your boyfriend.

He knows why these guys are so excited to socialize with you when you are playing the VR game.

He is a guy.

He knows what his motives would be if he were in the same position as these guys.

In his mind, he believes that you are exposing yourself to unnecessary temptation.

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Although you don’t see the big deal in all of this, he does.

It is not so much that he is terrified that you are about to dump him and run off with one of these guys, it’s more so that he worries about the attention that you are getting from them.

Considering that he is one guy, this is attention he cannot compete with.

Attention is addicting.

Don’t lie.

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Whenever you get online to play the VR game, you are excited about all the attention you are about to get from all these guys who have no girlfriends nor a dating life.

It gives you a boost to the good old ego.

You enjoy it.

Despite not having any intention to fall for these guys, these guys have already fallen for you.

Some of them already think that you are their virtual girlfriend.

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They think about you while they are going about their daily mundane lives as they go to work or school.

The thought of seeing you again when they get online to play the VR game is what keeps them going throughout their monotonous days.

Meanwhile, you bask in all of their attention when you are online.

Being that you have a boyfriend, you wouldn’t want to receive this kind of attention in the real world.

When you are out and about in public, you do everything you can to avoid giving any guys in the vicinity the impression that you are open to being approached.

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You do all you can to not give any guys that see you in public any ideas.

Yet, when you are playing the VR game, you have no such restraints.

You freely socialize with these guys, believing that it is harmless fun, given that it is all online.

After all, you will never see these guys in real life.

Your boyfriend knows that you are using the VR game as your source of extra attention.

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It makes him think that you don’t believe him to be enough for you.

He worries that the attention you get from these virtual guys will become so addicting, you won’t look to him anymore for your emotional needs.

To him, this is a recipe for disaster in a relationship.

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