Why Is Finding A Suitable Mate So Hard To Get Right, And This Is Before Factoring In Her Friends, In-laws, Family, And Relatives?

Why Is Finding A Suitable Mate So Hard To Get Right, And This Is Before Factoring In Her Friends, In-laws, Family, And Relatives?Factoring in a suitable mate’s friends, in-laws, family, and relatives, is getting ahead of yourself.

The first step is to find a suitable mate, and believe it or not, this isn’t as hard to get right as you think.

Naturally, when you find a suitable mate, everything else falls into place.

Factoring in her friend, in-laws, family, and relatives, is suddenly not so daunting.

Think about it for a moment.

The close friends that you have in your life.

Do you generally get along with their family and relatives.

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You do.

Usually, the friends you are close to have characteristics that are similar to those of their family members and relatives.

That is why you have never had much trouble getting along with them whenever you see them at barbecues, weddings, birthday parties, etc.

In the same vain, in meeting a woman that is a suitable mate for you, her friends, in-laws, family, and relatives, would have similar characteristics to hers.

This means that you won’t have much trouble getting along with them.

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True, there is the proverbial crazy uncle that no one gets along with among the bunch, but for the most part, you get along with those she is close to.

Take solace in this.

Let’s get back to how you go about finding a suitable mate.

The truth is, it isn’t so hard.

The reason why you haven’t gotten it right has more so to do with you looking for her in the wrong places.

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Think about the hobbies and interests that you enjoy participating in.

Instead of indulging in these hobbies and interests alone, or with your usual social circle, branch out.

Find people outside of your social circle who are interested in the same hobbies and interests.

This is easy to do.

A quick online search provides this information.

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Once done, go out and meet these people.

People who are interested in the same hobbies and interests that you enjoy are much easier to get along with.

You already have a commonality in hobbies and interests.

There is an added bonus.

Given that you already have the same hobbies and interests in common, there is sure to be more you have in common with each other.

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This is in ideology, politics, religion, background, education, profession, etc.

These extra commonalities are a huge bonus.

Several of these new people that you are meeting in these venues are women.

It’s much easier for you to develop romantic connections with women who already have a litany of commonalities with you.

Besides seeking out people who share the same hobbies and interests that you do, finding a suitable mate is not so hard when you build a network of female friends.

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Yes, female friends.

Forming platonic friendships with women expands your network of female friends.

Instead of solely fixating on talking to women you are attracted to whenever you are out and about, talk to all kinds of women, including those you aren’t attracted to.

These are women you meet at work, the local deli, coffee shop, or grocery store.

Be friendly and create connections.

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Although you aren’t attracted to several of these women, many of them have female friends.

In developing a platonic friendship with them, it’s inevitable that they invite you to a future social event where their female friends are present.

As you attend these social events that you get invited to, you expose yourself to a much larger number of women than you have in your own social circle.

Somewhere in this bevy of women is one that is a suitable mate to you.

Your patience paid off.

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By putting in the work to develop a network of female friends, your love life is rewarded in time.

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