Whenever My Boyfriend Says He Needs Alone Time, I Feel Hurt

Whenever My Boyfriend Says He Needs Alone Time, I Feel HurtYou are taking this far too personally.

Whenever your boyfriend says he needs alone time, you are taking that as a sign that he doesn’t value your company.

This isn’t the case.

Guys have hobbies and interests they like to do.

When they get a girlfriend, they want to keep doing these hobbies and engaging in their interests.

The girlfriend becomes an accent to his life.

But he doesn’t want her to be his whole life.

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You have been hanging out with him a lot.

He allowed this to happen in the early months of his relationship with you because the relationship was fresh and new.

You got used to having all of his attention and became attached.

For a lot of guys, this early period in a new relationship where a girl is getting all of their attention is temporary.

Eventually, they want to get back to what they used to do before getting the girlfriend.

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This is their hobbies and interests.

He wants to get back to playing basketball with his friends on a weekend day.

Going to the gym.

Working on his favorite bike and getting it fixed.

Watching his favorite sports teams live or on TV.

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You see, he wants to get back to the life he once had to an extent, with you as an accent to it.

On your end, you thought that all of the early attention you were getting from him was a staple, and became attached to it.

Whatever hobbies and interests you had prior to meeting your boyfriend are no longer a fixture in your life.

You don’t care about them.

The attention you were getting from your boyfriend was what appealed to you the most.

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It was like a constant fuel to your engine.

You loved it and became addicted to it.

You came to rely on it to keep you going on a day to day basis.

It has gotten to be too much for your boyfriend.

He wants to get back to doing the hobbies and indulging in the interests that he used to, before he ever met you.

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It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t value your company.

It’s that he doesn’t want your company all the time.

He wants the space to do his hobbies and engage in his interests.

He wants to get back to a more balanced lifestyle.

This is a healthy approach to a relationship.

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A relationship is healthier when either party has an independent side to them.

If you are constantly with each other, it creates an unhealthy dependency on each other that inevitably leads to fights and unhappiness.

Is this what you want?

Surely, it isn’t.

Instead of getting all up in your feelings and being hurt by your boyfriend saying that he needs alone time, take it as an opportunity to get reacquainted with your old hobbies and interests.

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If you never had any, get some.

A relationship is healthier when there is a degree of independence from either party.

As long as your boyfriend continues to put out an effort to see you and do activities with you on a balanced basis, he does value your company.

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