When Should A Date Disclose That They Have A Kid Or Kids?

When Should A Date Disclose That They Have A Kid Or Kids?Having a kid or kids is a huge piece of information.

It has to be disclosed at the very beginning.

Any guy that is talking to you should reveal that he has a kid or kids in the first full-on conversation with you.

This is common courtesy.

The men who don’t make this revelation in the first full-on conversation they have with a woman of romantic interest are not showing good character.

His intention is to avoid giving you this information until a much later date, if he gives it at all.

Meanwhile, he gets to court you and make you fall for him in the process.

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He is hoping that by the time you find out that he has a kid or kids, whether it be through him or someone else, he has gotten what he wants out of you.

He has had sex with you or received your attention for that length of time.

This is selfish.

He is thinking about himself, not considering how this omission would affect you.

This isn’t the quality you should want in a long-term relationship prospect.

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A man that shows deceitfulness from his early days and weeks with you, is sure to show deceitfulness in a full-fledged relationship with you.

He is giving you a poor preview of what he will be like as a future boyfriend.

Unfortunately, there are an abundance of women who eventually come to find out that the guy that they have been seeing has a kid or kids that he didn’t tell them about.

The wise ones immediately look at this as deviant behavior and a red flag.

They leave the guy and never look back.

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But there are those who stick around.

They listen to his excuses as to why he didn’t tell her that he had a kid or kids from the very start.

Being that she has now had sex with him several times and has developed feelings for him, she lets her emotions govern her decision-making.

This is a huge mistake, as she now finds herself stuck in a relationship with a man that cannot be trusted.

A man that is now emboldened in seeing that she has forgiven him for not telling her that he has a kid or kids.

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Which means, he is misbehaving again in the near future.

He is lying or being deceitful about something else.

Don’t be this woman.

Once you fall into this trap, you are stuck in a relationship with a man you can never trust.

Never be afraid to ask the important questions in the early stages.

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If he hasn’t told you whether he has a kid or kids in the first full-on conversation you have with him, don’t be afraid to ask him whether he does.

Don’t be shy about this.

It’s better to ask it early and get it out of the way, than waiting for the so-called right moment to do it.

While you wait, he is seducing you with his charm, taking you out on dates, and getting you to like him.

This is far too risky.

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Giving him this much time to woo you without learning whether he has a kid or kids puts you at a risk of falling for him before you find out.

As aforementioned, once your emotions get in the mix, your common sense decision-making is liable to falter.

Any time you are talking to a guy of romantic interest, do not let the first full-on conversation with him end without learning whether he has a kid or kids.

Whether he brings it up first or you do, this is information that must be learned right from the beginning.

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