What Does It Mean When A Man That You Are Friends With, Says He Wants To Give You His All, When You Two Get Into A Relationship?

What Does It Mean When A Man That You Are Friends With Says He Wants To Give You His All When You Two Get Into A Relationship?This is a man who is intent on making you never regret deciding to get into a relationship with him.

In telling you that he wants to give you his all when you two get into a relationship, he wants to reassure you.

He knows that going from being a friend of yours to a boyfriend is a giant step.

He is fully aware of this.

To this end, he doesn’t want you to have any doubts about getting into a romantic relationship with him.

He is well aware that you are going to have doubts about transitioning your friendship with him into a romantic relationship.

You are bound to be fearful about the prospect of the romantic relationship failing.

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He knows that these fears are sure to creep into your mind and influence your thoughts.

He doesn’t want this to happen.

He wants you to have no doubts about the prospect of transitioning this friendship into a relationship.

By telling you that he wants to give you his all when you two get into a relationship, he is hoping to keep you from getting overwhelmed with any negative doubts that you are entertaining about this transition.

His intent is to get you excited about the prospect of dating him, as opposed to being caught up on doubts about the viability of a romantic relationship with him.

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He wants you to strongly consider his words.

More importantly, he wants you to linger on the part about giving you his all.

When you are lingering on this part of what he said to you, there is a curiosity that sets in.

You become curious about what he means by this.

There is a part of you that is entertaining what this means exactly.

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Your imagination goes into overdrive, as you think about what is coming.

You get excited.

This is the mindset he wants you to be in.

As long as you are getting excited about the prospect of dating him, you aren’t thinking about the relationship failing.

This is good.

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This is where he wants your mind to go to, and stay.

In all the time that you have been friends with him, he has learned so much about you.

He knows your personality and what makes you happy.

Being that he has been your friend all this time, he has been hampered from going all in.

There have been several moments in your friendship with him that he wanted to do activities with you that he was certain would make you happy.

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He couldn’t.

He knew that doing those activities with you would have been crossing a boundary, considering that he was in a friendship with you.

Now that you two are about to get into a relationship, he is unshackled.

He doesn’t have to worry about crossing boundaries as he did when he was in a friendship with you.

Now that he is about to get into a relationship with you, he is excited about what he is about to show you, and the amazing activities he is going to expose you to.

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In giving you his all, you are about to experience him and all the excitement that comes with him in a way he was never able to show you while he was in a platonic friendship with you.

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