Should I Shoot My Shot The Next Time I See The Girl I Like?

Should I Shoot My Shot The Next Time I See The Girl I Like?The longer you wait without shooting your shot, the harder it will be to do it.

When you waste time, you get into your head too much.

Essentially, you end up overthinking and talking yourself out of it.

This is where you keep waiting for the perfect moment to shoot your shot and ask her out.

Even on the days it feels right to shoot your shot with her, you find a reason not to.

You give yourself excuses.

She didn’t appear to be in a good mood.

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She never made eye contact with you.

She seemed distracted.

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Unfortunately, the longer you wait, the more reasons you give yourself not to shoot your shot on any given day.

This works against you.

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Not only are you subconsciously talking yourself out of it, you are risking losing out on her to a different guy who has had his sights on her for a while, and unlike you, decides to muster up the courage to shoot his shot and ask her out.

One day, you so happen to see her, and she is talking to the guy.

A guy you vaguely know or don’t know at all.

It doesn’t take long before you see that they are holding hands, kissing, and looking like they are dating.

Like that, it’s over.

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You wasted too much time conjuring up the courage to shoot your shot, and now, she is dating a guy that isn’t you.

This is discombobulating.

But it doesn’t matter at this point.

You took too long and now she is no longer available to you.

This is why you mustn’t delay any further with shooting your shot.

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The next time you see the girl you like, approach her and shoot your shot, regardless of what her body language is like.

There is never a perfect moment.

Sometimes, you just have to get in there and do what you have to do.

No more procrastinating.

In shooting your shot, you end this limbo.

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Instead of spending the next several weeks contemplating whether you should shoot your shot or not, you do it now.

Once done, there are no more questions as to whether she likes you or not.

You get to find out once and for all.

For a lot of guys, this is frightening.

That is a significant reason why they procrastinate in shooting their shot with a girl they like.

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They fear rejection.

The prospect of a girl turning them down.

Don’t be like this.

Although it seems scary, rejection shouldn’t be feared.

If anything, it’s a win-win.

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For one, you find out once and for all whether she likes you, and end the speculation.

Secondly, you get to show courage in approaching her and shooting your shot.

Courage instills confidence in you.

Confidence is a prime quality to have as a man.

Women are highly attracted to confident men.

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Confidence is so important to women, some of them are more attracted to it than a guy’s physical looks.

Even if your confidence doesn’t win this particular woman over, there are good odds that it will win over the next girl that you like.

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