Should A Guy Stop Dating If He Loses His Job And Is Back On The Job Market?

Should A Guy Stop Dating If He Loses His Job And Is Back On The Job Market?As long as you have savings, and you are actively working on finding a new job, you don’t have to stop dating.

Obviously, there is a harsh reality that you currently don’t have a job.

As you go out on dates with women, what you do for a living is sure to come up.

She is going to ask about it.

For women, a man’s financial viability is a poignant factor.

A guy’s ability to financially provide is absolutely critical to her.

Keep this in mind if you choose to continue dating.

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A woman who hears that you don’t have a job is instantly thinking about your ability to be a good provider.

To avoid turning these women off, and wasting your money on these dates, you have to have a good plan for how long you intend to stay without a job.

It isn’t smart to keep going out on dates and deplete your savings for months on end.

Actively seeking out jobs on a daily basis improves the odds of finding a new job sooner, so that you never have to go through a depletion of your savings as you keep going out on dates.

In the meanwhile, get a side job.

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In this day and age, there are numerous side jobs that are easy to get.

Several of them don’t even require official interviews.

Think about a side job that is adjacent to jobs that are regarded as fulltime professions.

A side job in finance for example, or a side job in computer programming or graphic design.

There are side jobs that are adjacent to what is considered to be fulltime professions.

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This gives you a significant degree of legitimacy as you talk about what you do for a living on a date.

As long as you are working a side job with this type of weight, you give her the impression that you are financially viable.

Although a guy with a fulltime job is her preference, the fact that you are working a side job with professional promise is better than the alternative.

The alternative where you are sitting around idle, eating potato chips, and watching TV all day.

This is the biggest turnoff.

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In knowing that you are still active in doing some form of professional work, even though temporary, she is reassured that you are financially responsible.

A man that is completely idle is a turnoff.

It forces her to envision a life where she is the one who is financially supporting him, as he bounces from job to job, unable to maintain a full-fledged and sustained professional career.

There is no reason for you to stop dating, as long as you have a solid strategy and execute it.

Yes, there is a disadvantage in you not having a fulltime job at this time.

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And as a result, a few women will decide not to give you subsequent dates.

Notwithstanding, some will give you subsequent dates, believing that you are worth the minimal risk.

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