Met A Really Nice Guy At An Event But Never Got His Details

Met A Really Nice Guy At An Event But Never Got His DetailsIt was disappointing when you realized that the really nice guy you had connected with in conversation at an event was gone.

You weren’t expecting that, as you thought you would see him again during the course of the event.

But, for whatever reason, you never came across him again.

This was so apropos to the bad luck you have had in meeting men you connect with romantically.

After all, you were seeing so many of the same people again as you walked about the event, and yet, you weren’t seeing him.

Just like that, he was gone.

The amazing interaction you had with him earlier nothing but a foregone memory.

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You thought you could handle that, and simply chock it up to a missed opportunity and move on.

But, you haven’t.

You haven’t stopped thinking about him since the event.

You never got his full name, making doing a search for him on social media somewhat mute.

The frustration is real.

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It’s not like you meet a guy like this every day.

The conversation you had with him flowed with such ease.

You want more of it.

More of him.

The first step in going about getting his details is to ask those that you know who went to the event with you whether they know him or so happened to talk to him at the event.

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This is the quickest route to getting his details.

If anyone of these people so happens to know him or have his details, you can get his details from them.

The same applies with if you so happen to know and be friendly with the organizers of the event.

Asking them about whether they are familiar with him or have his information gets you that much closer to reconnecting with him.

Alas, we all know that life has a habit of throwing curveballs our way, making it more challenging for us to get what we want.

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Unfortunately, this is where you learn that none of the people you know, know him.

Don’t fret, there is another way.

The good news is that you met him at an event.

Pictures are taken at an event.

See if the event that you went to has a website, social media, or online presence.

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There is a chance that several pictures of the event were taken and posted to their website, social media, or online space.

Look through the photos to see whether you find him.

If you do, copy his image and run it through an image finder.

This should bring him up and his details.

We live in a big world that has been made much smaller through the power of technology.

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Harness it.

Once his image is found, you should have a range of methods by which to contact him whether it be through his social media profiles, business profiles, etc.

It’s amazing what a mere image of someone can reveal on the internet.

If the organizers of the event don’t have a website or online presence where pictures of the event were posted, all isn’t completely lost.

If this event is a fairly frequent occurrence, there is a likelihood that he is going to go to the next one.

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Keep an eye out for when next the event is taking place.

Mark that date on your calendar and attend.

Although there are no guarantees that he shows up again, it isn’t out of the question that he does.

And should he be there, do not miss your opportunity to get his details.

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