Is It Weird To Be Interested In A Woman Significantly Older Than Me?

Is It Weird To Be Interested In A Woman Significantly Older Than Me?There is nothing weird about being interested in a woman that is significantly older than you.

As long as you are adults, and you are exercising free will, choosing to date each other is no one else’s business.

In society, you have been raised to believe that you are supposed to date someone your age or a few years removed.

Most people follow this expectation in dating someone their age or proximate to their age.

As a young man who chooses to date a significantly older woman, you would be going against the anodyne structure of relationships in the world we all live in.

Human beings in our society expect everyone to fall in line and do what is expected.

Like sheep, so to speak.

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But you don’t have to be sheep.

You get to blaze your own trail.

Society is ready to shame you for being interested in a woman that is significantly older than you.

It is set to do the same to her too.

Here lies the rub.

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You have to have thick skin for a relationship with such a significant age gap to work.

This is why a serious discussion about expectations and tolerance is in order.

No matter how much you believe you are capable of handling the judgmental eyes of family, friends, acquaintances, coworkers, and society at large when they look upon you and the older woman on your arm, she has to have the same amount of internal fortitude for a relationship to work.

In the early stages of dating, strong emotions for each other do get in the way of common sense.

With so much dopamine and oxytocin in your systems, you are vulnerable to being blinded to the reality of what a relationship between two people with a significant difference in age entails.

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People you love and trust are primed to judge you.

People she loves and trusts are primed to judge her too.

Without having a proper discussion about what a relationship like this entails, you speed into it blindly, and this isn’t at all prudent.

Should she buckle and give up under the pressure after a few months of the relationship, imagine your devastation.

The heartbreak.

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Keep yourself from that reality by having a candid conversation about what a relationship like this entails and how prepared you both are for it.

Know exactly what you are in this for.

To do this, ask yourself immensely important questions.

Are you interested in this significantly older woman with an intension to find a serious relationship?

The next question is just as relevant.

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Is your interest in her based on a fetish or kink?

Neither question connotates good or bad intentions.

What is critical is that either party is candid with their intentions from the get-go.

As two grown adults, being candid and unambiguous with your intentions is absolutely nonnegotiable.

Once you make each other fully aware of your intentions, and they are aligned, you have free rein to engage in this encounter.

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